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(hī″pō-ak′tiv) [hypo- + active] Less active than normal, e.g., bowel sounds that are quieter than usual. hypoactivity (hī″pō-ak-tiv′ĭt-ē), n.

hypoactive sexual desire disorder

(hī″pō-ak′tiv) [hypo- + active] ABBR: HSDD. Loss of interest in sexual intercourse; a decrease in libido. SYN: sexual arousal disorder; sexual interest/arousal disorder.


(hī″pō-ă-kū′sĭs) [″ + akousis, hearing] Decreased sensitivity to sound stimuli.


(hī″pō-ăd-rē′năl-ĭzm) [″ + L. ad, to, + renalis, pert. to kidney, + Gr. -ismos, state of] Adrenal insufficiency.


(hī″pō-ă-drē″nō-kor′tĭ-sĭzm) Decreased secretion, or the effect of adrenal cortical hormones.


(hī″pō-ăl-bū″mĭn-ē′mē-ă) Decreased albumin in the blood. It is found in people who are malnourished or cachectic, and in individuals with chronic kidney, liver, and pancreatic diseases, among others.


(hī″pō-ăl″dō-stēr′ōn-ĭzm) A condition characterized by decreased aldosterone in the blood associated with hypotension and increased salt excretion.


(hī″pō-ăl″ĕr-jĕn′ĭk) [″ + ″] Having diminished potential for causing an allergic reaction.


(hī″pō-bār′ĭk) [″ + baros, weight] Decreased atmospheric pressure or density when compared with a standard or reference gas or liquid. SEE: bends; edema, high-altitude pulmonary.


(hī′pŏ-blast″) [hypo- + -blast] The inner cell layer between the cell mass and cavity of the blastocyst. This layer becomes the endoderm. SEE: endoderm. hypoblastic (hī″pŏ-blas′tik), adj.


(hī″pō-kal-sē′mē-ă) [hypo- + calci- + -emia] An abnormally low amount of calcium in the blood. It occurs transiently in patients with severe sepsis, severe pancreatitis, burns, and acute renal failure. It also may result from multiple transfusions with citrated blood, parathyroidectomy, malabsorption, and medications such as protamine, heparin, and glucagon. Chronic hypocalcemia may be caused by chronic renal failure, hypoalbuminemia, and malnutrition. Clinical manifestations in chronic hypocalcemia include muscle spasm, carpopedal spasm, grimacing, possible convulsions, and mental changes such as irritability, depression, and psychosis. Treatment consists of calcium infusions and appropriate therapy for the causative disease.

newborn h. Hypocalcemia present in the first days of life, caused by maternal disease (such as gestational diabetes or parathyroid disorders), by the child’s diseases and conditions (such as congenital hypoparathyroidism), or by treatments administered to the newborn (transfusion therapy or phototherapy). Tremors or seizures are common symptoms of low calcium in newborns. Hypocalcemia can be seen after surgery to the thyroid or parathyroid glands where remaining parathyroid tissue or their blood supply is affected and results in decreased seceretion of parathyroid hormone.


(hī″pō-kăl-sē′mĭk) [Gr. hypo-, ...

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