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hydronium ion

(hī-drō′nē-ŭm) [G. Hydronium, abbr. of Hydroxonium] SEE: under ion.


(hī″drō-pē′nē-ă) [″ + penia, poverty] A deficiency of water in the body.


(hī″drō-pĕr-ĭ-kăr-dī′tĭs) [″ + peri, around, + kardia, heart, + itis, inflammation] A serous effusion accompanying pericarditis.


(hī″drō-pĕr″ĭ-kăr′dē-ŭm) A dated term for a pericardial effusion.


(hī″drŏ-per″ĭt-ŏn-ē′ŭm) [hydro- + peritoneum] Ascites.

hydrophilia, hydrophilism

(hī″drŏ-fĭl″ē-ă, hī-drof′ĭ-lizm) [hydro- + -philia] The property of attracting water molecules, as do molecules with many polar covalent bonds. hydrophilic (hī″drŏ-fiĭ′ik), adj.


(hī-drŏf′ĭ-lŭs) Taking up moisture. SYN: bibulous; hygroscopic.


(hī″drŏ-fō′bē-ă) [hydro- + -phobia] 1. Rabies. 2. Aquaphobia. 3. The property of repelling water molecules, as do molecules with few or no polar covalent bonds. hydrophobic (hī″drŏ-fō′bik), adj.


(hī″drŏf-thăl′mŏs) [″ + ophthalmos, eye] Distention of the eyeball owing to an accumulation of fluid within it. SEE: glaucoma.


(hī-drŏp′ĭk) [Gr. hydropikos] Edematous, or pert. to edema.


(hī″drō-nū″mō-pĕr″ĭ-tō-nē′ŭm) [″ + ″ + peritonaion, peritoneum] Gas and serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity.


(hī″drō-nū″mō-thō′răks) [″ + ″ + thorax, chest] Gas and serous effusion in the pleural cavity. SYN: pneumohydrothorax.

hydrops, hydropsy

(hī′drops″, hī-drop′sē) [Gr. hydrōps, dropsy] Edema.

h. abdominis Ascites.

acute corneal h. A sudden tear or perforation in Descemet membrane, resulting in the accumulation of aqueous humor in the cornea and clouding of vision. It is a potential complication of keratoconus.

delayed endolymphatic h. ABBR: DEH. A disease that resembles Ménière disease, typically developing a year or more after an episode of unilateral deafness. It can occur either in the ear affected by the hearing loss or in the contralateral ear.

endolymphatic h. Labyrinthine h.

h. fetalis Generalized edema in infants, marked by cardiac decompensation, hepatosplenomegaly, and respiratory and circulatory distress. It may be caused by erythroblastosis fetalis; infections; tumors; pulmonary, hepatic, or renal disease; diabetes mellitus; Gaucher disease; or multiple congenital anomalies. SEE: erythema infectiosum; erythroblastosis fetalis.

labyrinthine h. Excessive fluid in the organ of balance in the inner ear. It may cause pressure or a sense of fullness in the ears, hearing loss, and vertigo. It often is found in Ménière’s disease. SYN: endolymphatic h.



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