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health educator

An individual professionally trained to instruct clients, families, or students about health-related topics, such as the diagnosis or the care of people with specific diseases or conditions.

health-enhancing physical activity and exercise

Any exercise program designed to improve the functional abilities and quality of life of an individual by increasing strength, flexibility, or balance; preventing falls; increasing mobility; reducing blood glucose or serum lipid levels; or improving self-image and mood.

health exchange

Health insurance marketplace.

health expectancy

The number of years a person can anticipate living without significant illness.


Conducive to good health.

health hazard

Any organism, chemical, condition, or circumstance that may cause injury or illness. Regarding chemicals, a substance is considered a health hazard if at least one study, conducted in accordance with established scientific principles, documents that acute or chronic effects may occur in connection with use of or exposure to that chemical. SEE: hazardous material; permissible exposure limits; right-to-know law; health indicator for table.

health indicator

A limited but measurable element of the health of a community, used to gauge public health as a whole. SEE: table.

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Some Public Health Indicators
Environmental General Maternal-Child Prevention and Screening Treatment

Air quality advisories

Birth rate

Infant mortality rate

Mammography use

Access to care

Motor vehicle emissions

Life expectancy

Birth weight of infants

Pap testing

Availability of primary care providers

Pesticide levels in foods


Maternal mortality rate

Tobacco counseling

Waiting times for diagnostic services

Source (drinking) water contaminants

Self-reported health levels

Prenatal visits

Vaccination rates

Waiting times for therapeutic services

health information exchange

SEE: under exchange.

health information technology

SEE: under technology.

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009

ABBR: HITECH. A U.S. law that provides financial incentives to health care providers and institutions that invest in electronic health records that are used meaningfully, i.e., they incorporate electronic drug prescribing, links between clinics and hospitals, and quality reporting tools.

health insurance

Insurance protection to cover some or all of the costs of treating an injury or a disease. In the U.S., about 70% of all health care costs are covered by private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

health insurance marketplace

Any of the organizations established to facilitate the purchase of health insurance in each of the 50 U.S. states in accordance with the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Marketplaces offer various ...

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