head banging, head-banging
In children, a rhythmic movement of the neck muscles in which the head is repeatedly shaken against other objects. It may be done for a variety of reasons, including anxiety, boredom, frustration, or anger. It is more common in boys than girls, and usually persists for months or a few years and then ceases.
1. The ability to maintain the head and the cervical spine in an upright position. 2. The placement of the head in an erect position so that it can be more easily or precisely examined or treated.
1. A covering for the head, esp. a protective one, such as a helmet used by soldiers and those who participate in contact sports, auto racing, bicycle riding, or aviation. 2. Extraoral traction and anchorage used to apply force to the teeth and jaws.
A bedside test for vertigo in which the patient’s head is bent slightly forward approx. 20° and the head and neck are turned from side to side, first slowly, then quickly. The patient is asked to fix his or her vision on an immobile object during the test. If the patient’s eyes maintain fixation, without any corrective saccades, the cause of the vertigo is likely peripheral and not from a central nervous system injury, tumor, or stroke. SYN: head thrust test.
(hĕd′rĕst) 1. A pad made of soft material placed beneath the occiput, around the neck or lower face or both, designed to limit head movement during surgery or to prevent neck pain in cervical arthritis. 2. A padded device used in cars, airplanes, or boats to prevent neck trauma during accidents. 3. A padded device used in some types of wheelchairs to support the head and neck of patients with flaccid muscles or other neurological conditions. SEE: assistive technology.
head upright tilt test
ABBR: HUT. A test in which the patient lies flat on a table in order to identify the reason for fainting spells. The table has adjustable head and foot positions so that the effect of different positions on the patient’s blood pressure, pulse, and heart rhythm can be assessed for abnormal responses, such as a marked slowing of the heart rate.
(hēl) [AS. hael, whole] To cure; to make whole or healthy.
An individual who cures diseases, eases discomfort, or relieves the suffering of others.
(hēl′ing) The restoration to a normal mental or physical condition, esp. of an inflammation or a ...