(dis-proz′ŏ-dē) [dys- + prosody] Absence of the normal rhythm, melody, and articulation of speech. It may be present in patients with parkinsonism and in other disorders.
dysraphism, dysraphia
(dis″rā′fĭzm), dis″rā′fē-ă) [″ + rhaphe, seam, ridge] In the embryo, failure of raphe formation or failure of fusion of parts that normally fuse. SEE: neural tube defect.
spinal d. A general term applied to failure of fusion of parts along the dorsal midline that may involve any of the following structures: skin, vertebrae, skull, meninges, brain, and spinal cord.
(dĭs″rē′flĕks-ē-ă) The state in which an individual with a spinal cord injury at T-7 or above experiences a life-threatening uninhibited sympathetic response of the nervous system to a noxious stimulus.
(dis-rith′mē-ă) [dysrhythm + -ia] Abnormal, disordered, or disturbed rhythm. SEE: arrhythmia.
ventricular d. Ventricular arrhythmia.
(dĭ-stā′zē-ă) [″ + stasis, standing] Difficulty in standing.
(dis-sing′krŏ-nē) [dys- + synchrony] Any disorder in the normal or expected coordination of timed events.
ventricular d. A delay in the contraction of one wall of a cardiac ventricle relative to another during systole.
dyssynergia, dyssynergy
(dis″ĭ-nĕr′j(ē-)ă, dis″sin′ĕr-jē) [dys- + Gr. synergia, joint working, cooperation] 1. Uncoordinated contractions of muscle fibers, e.g., of the myocardium or of the urinary bladder when the external urinary sphincter is closed. 2. The tendency of one addiction to predispose a person to another. dyssynergic (dis″si-nĕr′jik), adj.
(dis-thī′mē-ă) [dys- + -thymia] Dysthymic disorder.
(dis-thī′mik) A chronically depressed or dysphoric mood that is present more than 50% of the time for at least 2 years in adults or as an irritable mood for 1 year for children or adolescents. Affected people describe themselves as being chronically sad and “down in the dumps.” SYN: dysthymia; dysthymic mood disorder.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms include: poor appetite or overeating; insomnia or hypersomnia; low energy or fatigue; low self-esteem; poor concentration or difficulty making decisions; and feelings of hopelessness. The diagnosis of this disorder is not made if the patient has ever had a manic, hypomanic, or mixed manic and hypomanic episode. Often beginning in childhood or adolescence (where it occurs equally in both sexes), in adults the disorder is more common in women and may cause social or occupational impairment.