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(dis-pach′) To direct personnel to a location where urgent services are needed. dispatcher (dis-pach′ĕr), n.


(dis-pen′să-rē) [L. dispensare, to give out] 1. A clinic or similar place for obtaining medical care. 2. An outpatient pharmacy.


(dĭs-pĕn′să-tō-rē) [L. dispensatorium] A publication, in book form, of the description and composition of medicines.


(dĭs-pens′) [L. dispensare, to distribute, pay out] To prepare and/or deliver medicines.


(dis-pĕr′sănt) [disperse] A chemical that prevents organic substances from concentrating as sludge in a particular location. Such agents are used to break up oil spills or other substances but may have their own toxic effects.


(dĭs-pĕrs′) [1dis- + spargere, to scatter] 1. To scatter, esp. applied to light rays. 2. To dissipate or cause to disappear, as a tumor or the particles of a colloidal system. 3. To spread through a medium or through tissue, as an injected medication through subcutaneous tissue.

disperse dye

A textile pigment used to color polyester fabrics. It is a cause of allergic contact dermatitis, esp. seen in skin folds, where clothes may chafe against the skin. Allergies to disperse dyes can be avoided by wearing natural-fiber clothing.


(dis-pĕr′zhŏn) [L. dispersio, scattering] 1. The act of dispersing. 2. That which is dispersed. 3. In statistics, the degree to which data are distributed widely (or closely) to a central point, such as the mean or mode.

colloidal d. A mixture containing colloid particles that fail to settle out and are held in suspension. They are common in animal and plant tissues; the protoplasm of cells is an example. Particles of colloidal dispersions are too large to pass through cell membranes. Such dispersions usually appear cloudy.

molecular d. A true solution.

Q-T d. Variation in the Q-T interval from one ventricular depolarization to the next. High levels of Q-T dispersion, e.g., greater than 100 msec, may be a risk factor for life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. It is sometimes observed in starving or anorexic patients.

QTc d. In electrocardiography, variation in the corrected QT interval in different leads. This has been correlated with an increased incidence of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death.


(dĭs-pĕr′soyd) A colloid with very finely divided particles.

displaced person

(dis″plāst′) ABBR: DP. One who leaves his or her home or homeland because of war, disease, famine, political conflicts, economic pressure, or persecution. Displacement increases the likelihood of malnutrition, detachment from family and social networks, ...

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