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(dĭs″ĕn-tăn′gl-mĕnt) A rescue technique used to free a trapped victim that involves removing the wreckage from around the patient (rather than removing the patient from the wreckage). For example, freeing a person trapped in a crushed car often requires the car to be pried apart with heavy rescue tools capable of cutting through metal.


(dĭs-ē″kwĭ-lĭb′rē-ŭm) [L. dis, apart, + aequus, equal, + libra, balance] An unequal and unstable equilibrium.


(dis-fig′yŭr) [1dis- + figure] To spoil the appearance of, as by scarring, distorting, or deforming a part of the body. disfigurement, n.


(dis-(h)ar′mŏ-nē) Absence of harmony; discord.


(dĭs-ĭn-fĕkt′) [″ + inficere, to corrupt] To free from infection by physical or chemical means.


A substance that prevents infection by killing bacteria. Most disinfectants are used on equipment or surfaces rather than in or on the body. Common disinfectants are halogens; salts of heavy metals; organic compounds such as formaldehyde, or alcohol 70%, iodoform, hydrogen peroxide, or ethylene oxide. The term is usually applied to a chemical or physical agent that kills vegetative forms of microorganisms.


(dis″ĭn-fek′shŏn) [1dis- + infection] The application of a disinfectant to materials and surfaces to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

high-level d. The inactivation of all bacteria, fungi, mycobacteria, and viruses on an instrument or surface used in patient care. The elimination of all spores is a separate process.


(dĭs″ĭn-fĕs-tā′shŭn) [L. dis, apart, + infestare, to strike at] The process of killing infesting insects or parasites.

disinhibited social attachment disorder

Unusual friendliness with strangers. It is a characteristic of some children after they are released from institutionalization.


(dis″in-(h)ĭ-bish′ŏn) 1. Abolition or countering of inhibition. 2. In psychiatry, freedom to act in accordance with one’s drives with a decrease in social or cultural constraint. 3. Loss of typical behavioral or social restraints.


(dĭs″ĭn-sĕr′shŭn) Retinodialysis.


1. Any product of catabolism. 2. The falling apart or separation of the constituents of a substance. 3. Disorganization of the psyche.

disintegrative disorder

A personality disorder of children marked by regression in many areas of functioning after at least 2 yr of normal development. Individuals exhibit social, communicative, and behavioral characteristics similar to those of autistic disorder. Also called Heller’s syndrome, dementia infantalis, or disintegrative psychosis. SYN: childhood disintegrative disorder.

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