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(dī′ă-ter″ē) 1. Pert. to a diet or to the rules for a diet. 2. A regulated food allowance for an individual or a population.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Recommendations by the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion at the U.S. Department of Agriculture for planning and eating a healthy diet. The Guidelines are revised every five years. Website: SEE: table; Food Guide Pyramid.

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Dietary Guidelines for Americans


Aim for a healthy weight.

Be physically active each day.


Let updated Dietary Guidelines help you make healthy food choices.

Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains.

Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.

Keep food safe to eat.


Choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat.

Choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of sugars.

Choose and prepare foods with less salt.

If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture,

dietary portfolio

A collection of foods that when taken together on a regular basis help maintain health or accomplish a nutritional goal.

Dietary Reference Intakes

ABBR: DRI. In the U.S., federally recommended dietary allowances, adequate intakes, tolerable upper intake levels, and estimated average requirements for essential nutrients and other food components in the diet.


(dĭ″ĕ-tĕt′ĭk) 1. Pert. to diet or its regulation. 2. Food specially prepared for restrictive diets.


(dī″ĕ-tĕt′ĭks) [Gr. diaitetikos] The science of applying nutritional data to the regulation of the diet of healthy and sick individuals. Some fundamental principles and facts of this science are summarized here.

 CONSERVATION OF ENERGY: To produce metabolic balance, the number of calories consumed must equal the energy required for basic metabolic needs plus additional energy output resulting from muscular work and added heat losses. Thus a person whose basal rate is 1000 kcal per 24 hr may do work and lose heat during the day, adding about 1500 kcal to the energy output; he or she must, therefore, obtain 2500 kcal per day.

 One g of fat yields approx. 9 kcal. One g of carbohydrate or protein yields about 4 kcal.

 NOTE: To convert kilocalories to kilojoules, multiply them by 4.1855.

 CONSERVATION OF MATTER: Everything that leaves the body, whether exhaled as carbon dioxide and water or excreted as urea and minerals, must be replaced by food. Thus, a person excreting 10 g of nitrogen daily must receive the same in his or her diet, for the element can be ...

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