(dī″ă-tom′ik) [di- + iatomic] Containing two atoms; said of molecules.
(dī-at′ŏ-mīt″) [diatom + -ite] Diatomaceous earth.
(dī-ăz′ĕ-păm) An antianxiety and sedative drug used extensively in the U.S. It is used to treat status epilepticus, acute cocaine poisoning, and a variety of anxiety disorders. Prolonged use may cause dependence or tolerance.
A prefix used in chemistry to indicate that a compound contains the —N=N— group.
(dī-bā′sĭk) [″ + basis, base] Capable of neutralizing or accepting two hydrogen ions.
disseminated intravascular coagulation.
(dī-kal′sĭk, dī-kal′sē-ŭm) [″ + L. calx, lime] Containing two atoms of calcium.
(dī-sen′trik) Having two centers or two centromeres.
(dī″kō-rē-ŏn′ĭk) ABBR: DC. Having two chorions. This may occur in two-egg (dizygotic) twins.
(dī-kot′ŏ-mē) [Gr. dicha, twofold, apart + -tomy] 1. Bifurcation of a vein. 2. Cutting or dividing into two parts. dichotomization (dī-kot″ŏ-mĭ-zā′shŏn), n. dichotomous (dī-kot′ŏ-mŭs), adj.
(dī-krō′ĭk) Pert. to dichroism.
(dī′krō-ĭzm) [Gr. dis, two, + chroa, color] The property of appearing to be one color by direct light and another by transmitted light.
(dī-krō′māt) A chemical that contains the Cr2O7 group.
(dī″krō-măt′ĭk) Able to see only two colors.
(dī-krō′mă-tĭzm) The ability to distinguish only two primary colors.
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine.
Dicrocoelium dendriticum
(dī″krŏ-sēl′ē-ŭm den″drit′ĭ-kŭm) A species of liver flatworm that uses grazing animals (cattle, sheep) as its definitive host. Its intermediate hosts are snails and ants. It is an occasional cause of liver fluke infestation in humans. SEE: liver fluke.
(dī-krot′ik) [Gr. dikrotos, beating double] Having two arterial pulsations for one heartbeat; pert. to a double pulse; bisferious.
(dĭk′tē-ō-sōm) [Gr. diktyon, net, + soma, body] A cytoplasmic vesicle thought to be a secretory portion of the Golgi apparatus.
(dī-koo′mă-rŏl) An anticoagulant drug. SEE: warfarin sodium.
(dī-sī′klĭk) 1. Having or concerning two cycles. 2. In chemistry, containing two cyclic ring structures.