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(dĕr″măt-ō-fī-lō′sĭs) An actinomycotic skin infection that occurs in certain hooved animals and rarely in humans. SYN: dermatophiliasis.


(dĕr′mă-tō-fīt) [″ + phyton, plant] A fungal parasite that grows in or on the skin. Dermatophytes rarely penetrate deeper than the epidermis or its appendages—hair and nails. They cause skin diseases such as favus, tinea, ringworm, and eczema. Important dermatophytes include the genera Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton.


(dĕr″măt-ō-fī-tō′sĭs) [dermato- + phytosis] A disease or condition of the skin, such as athlete’s foot (tinea pedís), caused by a dermatophyte.

deep d. Invasion of subcutaneous tissues or internal organs by dermatophytes in patients with immune deficiencies. In patients with normal immune function, dermatophytes cause only mild skin infections, such as athlete’s foot.


(dĕr-mat′ŏ-skōp″) [dermato- + -scope] An instrument used to perform dermatoscopy. Older dermatoscopes consist of a low-power (10×) magnifier, a nonpolarized light source, a transparent plate, and a light layer of mineral oil between the instrument and the skin. The mineral oil allows inspection of skin lesions without reflection from the skin surface. More recent dermatoscopes use polarized light to eliminate skin surface reflections. SEE: dermatoscopy; videodermatoscope.


(dĕr″mă-tos′kŏ-pē) [dermato- + -scopy] Inspection with a dermatoscope of a pigmented skin lesion to gauge whether on close inspection it appears benign or malignant. SYN: epiluminescence microscopy.


(dĕr″mă-tō′sĭs, -tō′sēz″) pl. dermatoses [dermato- + -osis] Any skin disease, esp. any noninflammatory skin disease. SEE: dermatitis.

linear IgA bullous d. A blistering disease of the skin and mucous membranes characterized by the presence of IgA antibodies in the mucous membranes, serum, and skin. It typically arises after exposure to specific medications, such as amiodarone, captopril, phenytoin, or vancomycin.

neutrophilic d. Any of several skin disorders characterized by abnormal collections of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils) in the skin. Examples of such disorders are Sweet syndrome and pyoderma gangrenosum.


(dĕr′mĭk) [Gr. derma, skin] Pert. to the skin.


(dĕr′mĭs) [(epi)dermis.] The layer of the skin lying immediately under the epidermis, consisting of the papillary and reticular layers. It is composed of fibrous connective tissue made of collagen and elastin and contains numerous capillaries, lymphatics, and nerve endings. In it are hair follicles and their smooth muscle fibers, sebaceous glands and sweat glands, and their ducts. SYN: corium; cutis vera; derma; true skin.


(dĕr-mŏg′ră-fĭzm) A form of urticaria (hives) in which a pale raised wheal and red flare are produced on the skin when it is gently ...

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