dental identification
The use of the unique characteristics of a person’s teeth or dental work as recorded in dental charts, radiographs, and records to establish the person’s identity.
Abnormal location of the teeth with respect to each other or to the mandible or maxilla.
Any of several types of colloids, plastics, resins, and metal alloys used in dentistry to take impressions, restore teeth, or duplicate dentition.
A technician who constructs or manufactures fixed restorations (bridgework), crowns, and other dental restorations as authorized by dentists. SYN: dental laboratory technician.
Any of a variety of treatments of the teeth and adjacent tissues to restore or maintain normal oral health and function.
1. A masticatory unit consisting of a single tooth and its adjacent tissues. 2. A mobile or fixed piece of equipment, usually complete with chair, light, engine, and other accessories or utilities necessary for dental examinations or operations.
(dĕn′tāt) [L. dentatus, toothed] Notched; having short triangular divisions at the margin; toothed.
(dent) [Charles Enrique Dent, Brit. biochemist, 1911–1976] A rare, X-linked disease that causes renal tubular dysfunction and is characterized by secretion of abnormal amounts of calcium in the urine, kidney stone formation, rickets, and, eventually, renal failure.
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS: Affected children usually report urinary frequency or symptoms of kidney stones (pain in the flank, urethra, or scrotum; and/or bloody urine).
DIAGNOSIS: The disease is suggested by the presence of abnormal calcium, phosphate, and protein concentrations in urine (hypercalciuria and proteinuria) in young patients with a history of kidney stones or chronic kidney disease. It can be confirmed with genetic testing.
TREATMENT: Treatment for hypercalciuria, such as restriction of dietary sodium, is often recommended.
PATIENT CARE: Dietary calcium should not be restricted. Oral citrates may reduce urinary calcium excretion. Patients with bone disease (rickets or osteomalacia) benefit from vitamin D supplements. SYN: X-linked recessive nephrolithiasis.
(dĕn′tēz) sing., dens [L.] Teeth.
(dĕn′shē-ă) [L.] Eruption of teeth.
(dĕn′tĭ-kl) [L. denticulus, little tooth] 1. A small toothlike projection. 2. A calcified structure within the pulp of the tooth. SYN: pulp stone.
(dĕn-tĭk′ū-lăt) [L. denticulatus, small-toothed] Finely toothed or serrated.
(dĕnt″ĭ-fĭ-kā′shŭn) [L. dens, tooth, + facere, to make] ...