[Fr. demi, fr. L. dimidius, half] Prefix meaning half.
(dĕm′ĭ-loon) [L. dimidius, half, + luna, moon] A crescent-shaped group of serous cells that form a caplike structure over a mucous alveolus. They are present in mixed glands, esp. the submandibular gland.
(dē-min″ĕ-ră-lĭ-zā′shŏn) Loss of mineral salts, esp. from the teeth or bones. It commonly occurs in dental caries, next to joints in arthritic patients, in immobilized bones, in underutilized bones after stroke, and in osteoporosis. demineralize (dē-min′ĕ-ră-līz″), v. SEE: decalcification.
(dĕ-mīz′) [L. dimittere, to dismiss] Death.
(dē-mō″bĭ-lĭ-zā′shŏn) In a mass casualty incident, the return of deployed resources from active duty to a state of readiness. demobilize (dē-mō′bĭ-līz″), v.
(dĕm-ō-dĕk′tĭk) Concerning or caused by the mite Demodex.
(dem′ŏ-deks″, dēm′) [Gr. dēmos, fat + dex, worm] A genus of mites of the class Arachnida (order Acarina).
D. folliculorum A species that infests hair follicles and sebaceous glands of various mammals, including humans. SYN: Acarus folliculorum; follicle mite.
(dē″mŏ-graf′ik, dem″ŏ-graf′ik) 1. Pert. to demography. 2. A single social or vital statistic within a given human population, e.g., the number of marriages, births, or deaths. demographically (dē″mŏ-graf′i-k(ă-)lē, dem″ŏ-graf′i-k(ă-)lē), adv. SEE: demographics; demography.
(dē″mŏ-graf′iks, dem″ŏ-graf′iks) A quantitative description of a given population in a given region, esp. data on its age, gender, ethnicity, religion, income, education, employment, or other measurable social characteristics. For medical coding purposes, such data include a patient’s full name, date of birth, Social Security number, current address, telephone number(s), e-mail address(es), and emergency contact name(s) and phone number(s). SEE: demographic; demography.
(di-mog′ră-fē) [Gr. dēmos, people + -graphy] The statistical study of measurable characteristics of a human population or of human populations. These characteristics may include population size, growth, and density; or age, race, sex, or marital status. An analysis of population-based statistics may be used to forecast health needs and the use of health services. SEE: demographic; demographics. demographer (di-mog′ră-fĕr), n.
(dĕ-mō′nē-ak″) [L. daemoniacus, fr Gr. daimoniakos, pert. to a daemon] 1. Pert. to or resembling a demon. 2. Frenzied, as if possessed by demons or evil spirits.
demonstration program
A pilot program, esp. one that aims to show that a new treatment or care plan may make a difference in the health of a community or the efficiency of health care.
(dē-mōt′ĭ-vāt″) To cause loss of incentive ...