(dĭ-fĕn′dĭnt) In law, the person, entity, or party charged or sued in a legal action. The defendant is the party accused of a criminal or civil wrong from whom legal relief or damages are sought. SEE: plaintiff.
[L. defendere, to repel] 1. Resistance to disease. 2. Protective action against harm or injury. SYN: defense mechanism.
In Freudian theory, a psychological response in order to protect the ego.
(dē-fĕn′sĭn) [term coined by Robert I. Lehrer, U.S. physician, b. 1938] Destructive peptides (groups of amino acids) found in the granules of neutrophils and other phagocytic cells that kill bacteria and fungi by destroying their membranes. Defensins are active against bacteria, fungi, and enveloped viruses in vitro. They may contribute to host defenses against susceptible organisms.
(dĕ-fen′siv) 1. Defending; protecting from injury. 2. In behavioral health, inordinately self-protective, esp. in response to criticism or inquiries by others. defensively (dĕ-fen′siv-lē), adj. defensiveness (dĕ-fen′siv-nĕs), n.
(dĕ-fer′) [Fr. différer, to differ fr. L. diferre, carry in different directions, differ] To delay or postpone a decision or action.
(dĕ-fer′) [Fr. déférer, fr. L. deferre, to carry down, report, accuse] To yield respectfully to the opinions or desires of others.
(def′ĕ-rĕnz, def′ĕ-renz″) [L. deferens, carrying away] Conveying away from or downward; deferent. SEE: deferent; vas deferens.
(def′ĕ-rĕnt) [L. deferens, stem deferent-, carrying away] Conveying away from or downward. SEE: afferent; efferent.
(def″ĕ-ren′shăl) [L. deferent] Pert. to the vas deferens. SEE: vas deferens.
deferoxamine, deferoxamine mesylate
(de″fĕr-oks′ă-mēn″ mes′ĭ-lāt″) Desferrioxamine.
(dē″fĕr-ves′ĕns) [L. defervescere, to become calm] The subsidence of fever to a normal temperature. defervescece (dē″fĕr-ves′), v.
(dē-fĭb″rĭ-lā′shŏn) [de- + fibrillation] 1. Termination of ventricular fibrillation (vfib) with electrical countershock(s). This is the single most important intervention a rescuer can take in patients who have suffered cardiac arrest due to vfib or pulseless ventricular tachycardia.
PATIENT CARE: Traditional defibrillation uses a monophasic waveform: a single energy pulse. Monophasic electrical current travels in one direction from one electrode or paddle through the heart to the other electrode. In a successful attempt the energy converts the lethal rhythm to a rhythm with a pulse, and to be successful, this type of defibrillation must deliver high energy (200 or more joules).
The biphasic defibrillator delivers ...