An isotope formed during the decay of a radioactive material.
(dĕ-sēst′) [Ultimately fr. Lat. decessus, departed] 1. Pert. to someone who has recently died. 2. Someone who has recently died.
(dĕ-sēd′ĕnt) In mostly legal usage, someone who has recently died.
(dē-sel′) A colloquial term for deceleration of the fetal heart rate.
(dē-sĕl″ĕ-rā′shŭn) 1. A rapid decrease in velocity. 2. A fall in the baseline fetal heart rate as recorded by the fetal monitor.
Early deceleration coincides with uterine contractions and reflects the fetal vagal response to head compression during these contractions. Normal baseline variability is evident throughout the interval between uterine contractions. Late deceleration occurs after contraction and reflects insufficient blood flow through the intervillous spaces of the placenta. Variable deceleration does not occur at any consistent point during contractions. The monitor record also exhibits different degrees and shapes. Variable deceleration indicates interference with blood flow through the umbilical vessels caused by cord compression. SEE: fetal distress.
(dĭ-sĕn′ē-ĭl) [L. decennium, period of ten years] Occurring every tenth year. Some booster vaccinations, e.g., against tetanus and diphtheria, were traditionally administered one decade after the prior dose.
(dē-sĕr′ĕ-brāt) [″ + cerebrum, brain] 1. To eliminate cerebral function by decerebration. 2. A person or animal who has been subjected to decerebration.
(dē-sĕr-ĕ-brā′shŭn) Removal of the brain or cutting of the spinal cord at the level of the brainstem. SEE: pithing.
(de-cha-lŭnj) To stop giving a drug to a patient to see if it is the cause of a side effect.
(dē-klōr″ĭ-nā′shŏn) [″ + Gr. chloros, green] Reduction in the amount of chlorides in the body by reduction of or withdrawal of salt in the diet.
[L. decimus, tenth] In the Système International d’Unités (SI system), a prefix meaning one tenth.
(dĕs′ĭ-bĕl) [L. decimus, tenth, + bel, unit of sound] ABBR: dB. A unit for expressing logarithmically the pressure or power (and thus degree of intensity or loudness) of sound. The dB is a tenth of a bel.
(dē-sīd″ŏ-fō′bē-ă) [decide + -phobia] A phobia of making a decision.
(di-sij′oo-ă, di-sij′oo-ē″) pl. deciduae [L. deciduus, falling off] The endometrium or lining of the uterus and the tissue around the ectopically located fertilized ovum, e.g., in the fallopian tube ...