1. Symbol for the element potassium. The K derives from Latin kalium, from Arabic al-qalyah, plant ashes, alkali. 2. Symbol for equilibrium constant (used in some formulas in chemistry and physics). 3. Symbol for solubility.
kelvin; kilo-; kilometer.
(kod′ĕr) [Bronislaw Kader, Polish surgeon, 1863–1937] The surgical formation of a gastric fistula with the feeding tube inserted through a valvelike flap.
Abbreviation for a “knee-ankle-foot orthosis,” i.e., a hinged, supportive brace that supports long segments of the lower extremity.
(kah′wē-ol″) [Turkish kahve fr. Arabic qahwah, coffee + -ol] A lipid obtained by boiling coffee beans.
(kīz′ĕr-ling) [Karl Kaiserling, Ger. pathologist, 1869–1942] A solution used in preserving pathological specimens.
(kol-ă-ă-zar′) [Hindi, kālā āzār, black disease, black fever] A serious parasitic disease that invades internal organs and is caused by the intracellular protozoan Leishmania donovani in India and East Asia, by L. infantum in Mediterranean countries, and by L. chagasi in South and Central America. It is marked by fevers, splenic enlargement, and decreased blood cell counts. The disease is common in the rural parts of tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where it is often fatal. SYN: visceral leishmaniasis.
(kā′lē-ŭm) [L. kalium fr. Arabic al-qalyah, plant ashes, alkali] SYMB: K. Potassium.
(kal″ē-ū-rē′sĭs) [kalium + uresis] The excretion of potassium in the urine.
(kal′ĭd-ĭn) A plasma kinin. SEE: kinin.
(kal″lĭ-krē′ĭn, kă-lik′rē-ĭn) [Gr. kallikreas, pancreas + -in] An enzyme normally present in plasma, urine, and body tissue in an inactive state. When activated, kallikrein has many actions: it dilates blood vessels, influences blood pressure, modulates salt and water excretion by the kidneys, and influences cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction.
PATIENT CARE: Medications that inhibit kallikrien decrease serum bradykinin levels. They are used to treat patients who experience angioedema while taking angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) such as lisinopril or enalapril.
(kal′măn) [Franz Josef Kallman, U.S. psychiatrist, 1897–1965] A disorder whose hallmarks are congenital absence of the sense of smell and decreased functional activity of the sex organs, resulting from insufficient production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Affected individuals also may have hearing loss and other deficits caused by intracranial, sinus, or facial abnormalities.
(kom′pō′) [Japanese, kanpō, Chinese medicine] ...