genital ulcer disease
Any of several sexually transmitted illnesses that manifest with eroded sores on the penis, vulva, scrotum, or other genital areas. The most common causes are herpes simplex infection, syphilis, and chancroid.
[L. genitivus, pert. to birth, generation] Prefix meaning genital, reproduction.
(jen″ĭ-tō-fem′ŏ-răl) [genito- + femoral] Genitocrural.
(jen″ĭ-tō-ūr′ĭ-ner″ē) [genito- + urinary] Pert. to the genitals and urinary organs; urogenital.
genitourinary symptoms of menopause
Urinary frequency and urgency, pain during intercourse and urination, loss of libido, and repeated urinary tract infections in postmenopausal women, i.e., women with reduced endogenous estrogen levels.
The urinary and reproductive systems, which are anatomically adjacent in the adult and develop from the same mesodermal ridge in the embryo. In men, the urethra is part of both systems. In women, the systems are entirely separate, but infections and other diseases in one may affect the other. SYN: urogenital system. SEE: genitalia for illus.
(jēn′yŭs) [L. genius, guardian deity, wit, talent genius] 1. The distinctive or inherent character of a disease. 2. An individual with exceptional physical, mental, or creative power.
(jen′ŏ-sīd″) [Gr. genos, race + -cide] The willful and planned murder of a particular social or ethnic group by a government.
(jē″nō-dĕr″mă-tō′sĭs, -tō′sēz″) pl. genodermatoses [geno- + dermatosis] Any of a group of hereditary skin diseases such as hereditary angioedema, hereditary coproporphyria, hereditary telangiectasia, tuberous sclerosis, Recklinghausen disease, and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.
(jē′nō-grăm″) A graphical representation of a family tree, esp. the distribution of a disease among family members.
(jē′nōm″) [gen(e) + (chromos) ome] The complete set of genetic information present in a cell, an organism, or a species. genomic (jē-nō′mik, -nom′ik), adj.
The alteration of an organism’s genetic material (its RNA or DNA) by identifying and targeting specific nucleic acid sequences and removing them with endonucleases. In genetic engineering targeted sequences of nucleic acids can be snipped out and replaced.
Genome-wide association study
A research tool in which the genetic makeup of a group of people affected by an illness is evaluated for common markers or abnormalities that might make the illness develop in others.