1. Hunted animals or birds. 2. The meat obtained from a hunted animal. Wild game, esp. if undercooked, may be a source of human infections including trichinosis. 3. A structured activity with particular rules and mechanisms, used for competition, fun, interpersonal engagement, or relaxation.
(gam′ēt) [Gr. gametē, wife, gametēs, husband, from gamein, to marry] A mature male or female reproductive cell; the spermatozoon or ovum. SYN: sex cell. gametic (gă-met′ik), adj.
(gă-mĕ′tō-sīt) [″ + kytos, cell] 1. A cell of the ovary or testis that will divide to produce an ovum or spermatozoa. 2. A stage in the life cycle of the malarial protozoon (Plasmodium). Ingested human blood cells taken up by the Anopheles mosquito release gametocytes, which develop into mature sex cells called gametes.
(gam″ĕt-ŏ-jen′ĕ-sĭs) [gamete + genesis] Development of gametes; oogenesis or spermatogenesis.
(gă-mēt′ŏ-fīt″) [gamete + phyto-] In plants, the sexual (gamete-producing) generation that alternates with the asexual (spore-producing) generation.
Addiction to video games.
(gam′ă) 1. Γ or γ, the uppercase and lowercase symbols, respectively, for the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. 2. In chemistry, the third of a series, e.g., the third carbon atom in an aliphatic chain. 3. Symbol for microgram; immunoglobulin.
A scintillation detector used in nuclear medical imaging to detect the release of radioisotopes taken up by diseased and healthy body tissues.
gamma glutamyl transferase, γ-glutamyl transferase
ABBR: GGT. An enzyme present in the liver and biliary tree that is used to diagnose liver, gallbladder, and pancreatic diseases. Elevated levels of GGT are often found in people who use drugs (such as alcohol) that are metabolized by the liver.
gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, γ -glutamyl transpeptidase
(gam′ă-gloot′ă-mil″ trans-pep′tĭ-dās″, gam′ă-gloo-tam′ĭl) SEE: gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase.
gamma-hydroxybutyrate, gamma-hydroxy butyrate
(gam″ă-hī-drok″sē-būt′ĭ-rāt″) ABBR: GHB. A central nervous system depressant used in some countries as an anesthetic agent. It has no approved use in the U.S., where it is sometimes abused as an illicit drug or used in date rape. Its street names include grievous bodily harm, liquid ecstasy, and organic quaalude.
(găm-ŏp′ă-thē) Any disease in which serum immunoglobulins are increased, such as multiple myeloma, benign monoclonal gammopathy, and cirrhosis.
[Gr. gamos, marriage] Prefixes meaning sexual union or union, joining.
(găm′ŏnt) [″ + on, being] A ...