(fō′vē-ă, fō′vē-ē″, fō′vē-ī″) pl. foveae [L. fovea, a small pit, pitfall] A pit or cuplike depression. SEE: fossa.
(fō′vē-āt″, fō′vē-ăt) [fovea] Pitted.
(fō″vē-ā′shŏn) [fovea] Pitting, as in smallpox.
(fō-vē′ŏ-lă, fō-vē′ŏ-lē″) pl. foveolae [L. foveola, little pit] 1. A minute pit or depression. 2. The thinnest part of the retina, where vision is most acute. Unlike other regions of the retina, it has no layer of ganglion cells between it and the retinal pigment epithelium. foveolar (fō-vē′ŏ-lăr), adj.
(fowl′ĕr) [George R. Fowler, U.S. surgeon, 1848–1906] A semi-sitting position. The head of an adjustable bed can be elevated to the desired height to produce angulation of the body, usually 45° to 60°. The knees may or may not be bent. A wedge support can be used to elevate the patient’s head and back if an adjustable bed is not available. The position is used to facilitate breathing and drainage and for the comfort of the bedridden patient while eating or talking.
NOTE: The Fowler position has three variations: high (sitting upright in bed), regular (head or torso elevated 45° or more), and low or semi-low (head and torso elevated to 30°). SEE: illus.; dorsal recumbent position for illus.
(fŏks′for′dīs) [George Henry Fox, U.S. dermatologist, 1846–1937; John Fordyce, U.S. dermatologist, 1858–1925] A chronic pruritic papular eruption of areas of the skin that contain apocrine sweat glands. The intraepidermal ducts of the apocrine glands become obstructed and eventually rupture. The disease occurs mostly in persons 13 to 35 years of age and about 10 times more frequently in women than men. It does not occur before puberty.
TREATMENT: Several agents, including estrogens, corticosteroids, and topical tretinoin cream, have been used, but with little benefit. SYN: Fordyce-Fox disease.
(fŏks′glŏv) The common name for the flowering plant Digitalis purpurea, from which digitalis is obtained. SEE: illus.
Springtime appearance before the plant flowers
Plasma collected and frozen within 24 hr of its collection from a donor. It differs from fresh frozen plasma (frozen within 8 hr of its donation) by having lower levels of several coagulation factors, esp. factor VIII.
fluorescence polarization immunoassay.