(fĭl-ă-rī′ă-sĭs) [filaria + -iasis] Parasitic infection with any of the slender worms of the genus Brugia or Wuchereria. Infection causes obstruction of lymphatics. SEE: elephantiasis.
Bancroft f. SEE: Bancroft filariasis.
(fĭ-lar′ĭ-sīd″) [filaria + -cide] Something that destroys Filaria. filaricidal (fĭ-lar″ĭ-sīd′ăl), adj.
(fĭ-lar″ē-oyd′ē-ă) A superfamily of filarial nematodes that parasitize many animal species, including humans. SEE: Filaria; filariasis. filarioid (fĭ-lar′ē-oyd″), adj.
(fīl) [OE fíl, féol] A metal device with a roughened surface, used for shaping bones and teeth.
(fīl) [Fr. filer, to string documents on a thread or cord, fr. L. filare, to thread fr. filum, thread] In computing, the data stored in a specifically designated area of the computer’s memory.
(fil-gras′tĭm) The generic name for granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. SEE: granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
(fil′ĭ-form″) [filum + -form] 1. In biology, pert. to a growth that is uniform along the inoculation line in stab or streak cultures. 2. Hairlike; filamentous.
1. In plastic surgery, any substance inserted into another to give it a plumper shape or contour. 2. In dentistry and orthopedics, a porous material used in bone cements, resins, or other bonding materials to improve their performance, e.g., bonding strength, elution rates, or resistance to wear in the body. 3. Inert ingredient. SYN: filling agent.
(fĭl′ĕt) [Fr. filet, a band] 1. A loop of thread, cord, or tape used to provide traction or suspension of tissue during surgery or obstetrical delivery. 2. Lemniscus.
(fil′ing) 1. A material inserted into a cavity preparation. Common materials include amalgam, acrylics, resins, and glass ionomers. 2. The operation of filling tooth cavities. SEE: dental amalgam, restoration.
(film) [OE filmen, membrane] 1. A thin skin, membrane, or covering. 2. A thin sheet of material, usually cellulose and coated with a light-sensitive emulsion, used in taking photographs and radiographs. 3. In microscopy, a thin layer of blood or other material spread on a slide or coverslip.
base f. A layer of polyester or other suitable material that supports the radiographical film emulsion.
laser f. A single emulsion material used in dry imaging systems to reproduce images through electronic control of a laser light directly onto the film.