(fī″brō-ō″dŏn-tō′mă) A rare benign tumor of the oral cavity, typically found in the posterior mandible of children.
(fī″brō-ŏs-tē-ō′mă) [″ + Gr. osteon, bone, + oma, tumor] A tumor containing bony and fibrous elements. SYN: osteofibroma.
(fī″brō-păp-ĭ-lō′mă) [″ + papilla, nipple, + Gr. oma, tumor] A mixed fibroma and papilloma sometimes occurring in the bladder.
(fī″brō-plā′sē-ă) [″ + Gr. plasis, a molding] The development of fibrous tissue, as in wound healing or by other stimulating factors, e.g., as retrolental fibroplasia in the neonate due to the administration of excessive oxygen.
retrolental f. ABBR: RLF. Retinopathy of prematurity.
(fī′brō-plas′tĭk) [fibro- + plastic] Giving formation to fibrous tissue.
(fī″brō-pūr′ū-lĕnt) [″ + purulentus, festering] Pert. to pus that contains flakes of fibrous tissue.
(fī″brō-săr-kō′mă) [L. fibra, fiber, + Gr. sarkos, flesh, + oma, tumor] A spindle-celled sarcoma containing a large amount of connective tissue.
(fī′brōs) To form or produce fibrous tissue, e.g., a scar.
(fī″brō-sē′rŭs) [″ + serosus, serous] Containing fibrous and serous parts, such as the pericardium.
(fī-brō′sĭs) [fibro- + -sis] The repair and replacement of inflamed tissues or organs by connective tissues. The process results in the replacement of normal cells by fibroblasts (and, eventually, the replacement of normal organ tissue by scar tissue).
arteriocapillary f. Arteriolar and capillary fibroid degeneration. SYN: arteriofibrosis.
cystic f. ABBR: CF. A potentially fatal autosomal recessive disease that manifests itself in multiple body systems, including the lungs, the pancreas, the urogenital system, the skeleton, and the skin. CF causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, frequent lung infections, deficient elaboration of pancreatic enzymes, osteoporosis, and an abnormally high electrolyte concentration in the sweat. The name is derived from the characteristic histological changes in the pancreas. CF usually begins in infancy and is the major cause of severe chronic lung disease in children. SYN: fibrocystic disease of the pancreas; mucoviscidosis.
INCIDENCE: In the U.S., CF occurs in 1 in 2,500 Europid live births and 1 in 17,000 African American live births and is the most common fatal genetic disease in children of Europid descent. About 30,000 people in the U.S. have CF.
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS: A great variety of clinical manifestations may be present, including nasal polyposis; lung changes related to thick, tenacious secretions leading to bronchiectasis; bronchitis; pneumonia; atelectasis, emphysema and ...