(fī-brin′ŏ-jĕn) [fibrin + -gen] Coagulation factor I, a plasma protein, synthesized by the liver, and converted into fibrin through the action of thrombin in the presence of calcium ions. Fibrin forms the clot.
PATIENT CARE: Low plasma fibrinogen levels can be replenished with transfusions of cryoprecipitate. SEE: blood coagulation; coagulation factor.
fibrinogenic, fibrinogenous
(fī″brin-ŏ-jen′ĭk, fī″brĭ-noj′ĕ-nŭs) Producing fibrin.
(fī″brĭ-nō-jĕ-nŏl′ĭ-sĭs) [″ + ″ + lysis, dissolution] Decomposition or dissolution of fibrin.
(fī-brĭn″ō-jĕn″ō-pē′nē-ă) [″ + Gr. gennan, to produce, + penia, poverty] Reduction in the amount of fibrinogen in the blood, usually the result of a liver or coagulation disorder.
(fī′brĭ-noyd) [″ + Gr. eidos, form, shape] Resembling fibrin.
Alteration in connective tissues in response to immune reactions. The tissue becomes swollen, homogeneous, and bandlike.
A fibrinous substance that develops in the placenta, increasing in quantity as the placenta develops. Its origin is attributed to the degenerating decidua and trophoblast. It forms an incomplete layer in the chorion and decidua basalis and also occurs as small irregular patches on the surface of the chorionic villi. In late pregnancy it may have a striated, or canalized, appearance and is then termed canalized fibrinoid.
(fī″brĭn-ŏ-līs′ĭn) [fibrin + lysin] Any proteolytic enzyme, esp. plasmin, that causes fibrinolysis.
(fī″brĭn-ŏl′ĭ-sĭs) The breakdown of fibrin in blood clots, and the prevention of the polymerization of fibrin into new clots. The principal physiological activator of the fibrinolytic system is tissue plasminogen activator. It converts plasminogen in a fibrin-containing clot to plasmin. The fibrin polymer is degraded by plasmin into fragments that are then scavenged by monocytes and macrophages. This process begins immediately after a clot forms. It can be stimulated by administering fibrinolytic drugs, such as recombinant tissue plasminogen activator or tenecteplase. fibrinolytic (-ō-lĭt′ĭk), adj.
(fī″brĭn-ō-pē′nē-ă) [″ + Gr. penia, poverty] Fibrin and fibrinogen deficiency in the blood.
(fī″brĭ-nō-pep′tīd″) [fibrin + peptide] Any of the short chains of linked amino acids released when fibrinogen is cleaved by thrombin to form fibrin. Excess levels of fibrinopeptides are present in the blood in certain diseases, e.g., disseminated intravascular coagulation.
(fī-brĭ-nō′sĭs) [″ + Gr. osis, condition] Excess of fibrin in the blood.
A biological agent used to help control bleeding in those injuries or surgeries ...