(eg-zer′ĕ-sĭs) [Gr. exairesis, taking out] Surgical removal; excision.
(ek′sĕr-gām″) [exer(cise) + game] An electronic or video game in which the participant moves large muscle groups in the arms, legs, core, and neck in response to cues, e.g., in simulated boxing, dancing, table tennis.
(ĕk″sĕr-gŏn′ĭk) [Gr. ex, out, + ergon, work] Pert. to a chemical reaction that produces energy.
(eg-zĕr′shŏ-năl) Pert. to or caused by vigorous physical exertion or exercise and usually lessened or ended by resting from the activity.
(ĕks″flăj-ĕ-lā′shŭn) [″ + L. flagellum, whip] The formation of microgametes (flagellated bodies) from the microgametocytes. This process occurs in the malarial organism (Plasmodium) in the stomach of a mosquito.
(ĕks′fō-lē-ă-tĭn) A toxin, produced by certain strains of Staphylococcus aureus, responsible for the major dermatological changes in staphylococcal “scalded skin” syndrome in neonates and adults.
(eks-fō″lē-ā′shŏn) [L. exfoliatio, stripping away of leaves] The shedding or casting off of a body surface, e.g., the outer table of bone or the primary set of teeth, or an epithelial lining, e.g., a layer of skin cells or the cells that line an organ.
(eks″(h)ă-lā′shŏn) [L. exhalatio] 1. The act of exhaling; breathing out. 2. Something exhaled or breathed out; emanation.
(eks-(h)āl) [L. exhalare, to breathe out, evaporate, exhale] To breathe out air and vapor from the lungs.
exhaled breath condensate
(kon′dĕn-sāt″, den″) Exhaled air that is collected and analyzed, particularly for the presence of inflammatory chemicals or toxins.
[L. exhaurire, to empty out, drain] 1. A state of extreme fatigue or weariness; a loss of vital powers or inability to respond to stimuli. SYN: fatigue state. 2. The removal of the contents or using up a supply of anything. 3. The act of drawing or letting out.
heat e. An acute reaction to a hot, humid environment marked by profuse sweating, dizziness, nausea, headache, and profound fatigue due to excess fluid loss from the body. Heat exhaustion differs from heat stroke in that the body’s thermoregulatory system still functions; if untreated, heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke. SYN: heat prostration. SEE: table.