Committee, patient care advisory.
Ethics in Patient Referrals Act
ABBR: EPRA. An American federal law that makes it illegal for a physician to refer a patient to a health care facility in which the physician (or a family member) has a financial interest. Also known as the Stark Act.
(e-thid′ē-ŭm) A fluorescent dye used to highlight nucleic acids.
(ĕth′ĭ-nĭl) SEE: estradiol.
(ĕ-thī′ō-nĭn) A progestational agent used in some oral contraceptives.
(eth′moyd″) [Gr. ēthmos, sieve + -oid] Cribriform.
(eth-moyd′ăl) Pert. to the ethmoid bone or its air cells.
(ĕth-moy-dĕk′tō-mē) [″ + eidos, form, shape, + ektome, excision] Excision of the ethmoid sinuses that open into the nasal cavity.
(ĕth″moy-dī′tĭs) [″ + ″ + itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the ethmoidal sinuses. This may be acute or chronic.
SYMPTOMS: Symptoms include headache, acute pain between the eyes, and a nasal discharge.
(eth′nĭk) [Gr. ethnikos, pert. to a nation] Pert. to groups of people within a cultural system who desire or are given a distinct classification based on traits such as religion, culture, language, or appearance.
(eth″nō-bī-ol′ō-jē) [Gr. ethnos, race, nation + biology] The study of the interaction of people and their environment, i.e., of people and the plants and animals with which they interact.
(eth″nō-sen′trizm) 1. A belief that one’s own way of viewing and experiencing the world is superior to other perspectives; a mindset that judges the actions and beliefs of others according to one’s own cultural rules. 2. In health care, a perspective that supports the worldview of the caretaker, rather than considering the patient’s perspective of health and illness. ethnocentric (eth″nō-sen′trik), adj.
(eth″nō-jer″ŏn-tol′ŏ-jē) [Gr. ethnos, race, nation + gerontology] The study of aging in different cultural, racial, or social groups.
(ĕth-nŏg′ră-fē) [″ + graphein, to write] The study of the culture of a single society. Data are gathered by direct observation during a period of residence with the group. SEE: anthropology.
(ĕth-nŏl′ō-jē) [″ + logos, word, reason] The comparative study of cultures using ethnographic data. SEE: anthropology.
(ē-thol′ō-jē) [Gr. ēthos, manners, habits + -logy...