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error chain

SEE: under chain.

error disclosure

Reporting to a patient that a mistake was made in the provision of his or her health care. It is a practice that is widely advocated by bioethicists but generally eschewed by practitioners because of fears of litigation or investigation. When surveyed, patients report wanting full disclosure of any errors made during their treatment. They prefer to hear how the error occurred, and how similar errors can be prevented. Finally, most patients want their practitioners to apologize or express regret about their errors.

 Laws to encourage health care providers to disclose errors are known colloquially as “apology laws.” These laws encourage expressions of regret by exempting statements made in apology from legal action or liability.


estrogen replacement therapy.


(ĕ-rŭk-tā′shŭn) [L. eructare] Producing gas from the stomach, usually with a characteristic sound; belching.


(e-rŭp′shŏn) [L. eruptio, outbreak] 1. A visible breaking out, esp. of a skin lesion or rash accompanying a disease such as measles or scarlet fever. 2. The appearance of a lesion such as redness or spotting on the skin or mucous membrane. 3. The breaking of a tooth through the gum; the cutting of a tooth. eruptive (-tiv), adj.

active e. Movement of the tooth toward the occlusal plane.

creeping e. A skin lesion marked by a tortuous elevated red line that progresses at one end while fading out at the other. It is caused by the migration into the skin of the larvae of certain nematodes, esp. Ancylostoma braziliense and A. caninum, which are present in ground exposed to dog or cat feces. SYN: cutaneous larva migrans.

delayed e. The most common variation in the tooth eruption pattern. It may be due to crowding or to various genetic, endocrine, or physiological factors.

drug e. Dermatitis produced in some patients by application or ingestion of drugs. Drug rashes usually appear on the trunk (chest and back). SEE: illus.





fixed drug e. A localized red rash with a sharp border, which follows exposure to a drug. The rash usually burns, occurs on the face or the genitals, and, if the offending agent is given again, recurs in the same location.

passive e. Increased size of the clinical crown of a tooth by apical migration of the attachment epithelium and periodontium.

polymorphous light e., polymorphic light eruption ABBR: PMLE. A rash occurring after exposure to sunlight, typically consisting of papules, plaques, or papulovesicles on sun-exposed skin. It is more common ...

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