[Gr. episeion, epision, the pubic region] Prefix meaning loins, perineum, or vulva.
(i-piz″ē-ō-per″ĭ-nē′ō-plas″tĕ) [episio- + perineo- + -plasty] Plastic surgery of the perineum and vulva.
(i-piz″ē-ō-per″ĭ-nē-or′ă-fē) [episio- + perineo- + -rrhaphy] Repair of a lacerated perineum and vulva or repair of a surgical incision of the vulva and perineum.
PATIENT CARE: The perineum is inspected at intervals to assess healing and to observe for indications of formation of hematomas or of infection. Throughout hospitalization, general patient care concerns apply. Perineal care is provided as needed, and the patient is taught correct perineal hygiene (wiping from front to back). To relieve pain, anesthetic sprays or creams are applied as prescribed. Other pain relief measures include local heat using a heat lamp, warm soaks, or sitz baths as prescribed. The patient is taught to apply these therapies.
(i-piz′ē-ŏ-plas″tē) [episio- + -plasty] Plastic surgery of the vulva.
(i-piz″ē-ō-stĕ-nō′sĭs) [episio- + stenosis] Narrowing of the vulvar opening.
(i-piz″ē-ot′ŏ-mē, -pēz″) [episio- + -tomy] Incision of the perineum at the end of the second stage of labor to avoid spontaneous laceration of the perineum and to facilitate delivery. In the U.S. episiotomy is done in about 40% of all vaginal deliveries, making the procedure one of the most common forms of surgery performed on women. Perineal massage in the weeks before delivery can reduce the use of episiotomy.
(ep′ĭ-sod″) [Gr. epeisodion, addition, episode] One occurrence in a sequence of events. episodic (ep″ĭ-sod′ik), adj.
A discrete unit of health care, from the first time a patient comes to a practitioner for help in managing a problem, until the services provided for that condition come to an end.
A personality disorder marked by episodes of impulsive aggressiveness disproportionate to precipitating events. Intermittent explosive disorder is a pattern of behavior that may result in serious assaults or destruction of property. SEE: amok (1).
In recent years the disorder has gained media attention after several instances of aggressive, violent, or homicidal behavior by previously normal high school students resulted in the deaths of classmates, teachers, or family members. The disorder is more common in young men than in women. It is only diagnosable when other causes of violent behavior (such as conduct disorder, cognitive impairment, delirium, hallucinations) or other psychiatric illnesses have been excluded. SYN: intermittent explosive disorder.
(ep′ĭ-sōm″) [epi- + -some] ...