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(ē″ō-sĭn-ŏf′ĭ-lŭs) [″ + philein, to love] 1. Easily stainable with eosin. 2. Having eosinophilia.


(ē-ō-tŏks′ĭn) [Gr. eos, dawn (rose-colored) + (chemo)taxin] A chemokine that specifically attracts eosinophils to particular tissues, e.g., to bronchial tissues in asthma or to the skin in contact dermatitis. Tumor necrosis factor alpha stimulates its release. SEE: chemotaxis; cytokine.


Expiratory positive airway pressure.


(ep-ak′sē-ăl) [epi- + axial] Situated above or behind an axis.


epilepsia partialis continua.


Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.


(ep-en′dĭ-mă) [Gr. ependyma, an upper garment, wrap] The epithelial lining of the cerebral ventricles and the central canal of the spinal cord. The lining is composed of a single cell layer. Most of the cells have microvilli and motile cilia on their outer surface. SYN: endyma. SEE: illus. ependymal (ep-en′dĭ-măl), adj.






(ĕp″ĕn-dĭ-mī′tĭs) [″ + itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the ependyma.


(ep″en′dĭ-mŏ-sīt″) [ependyma + -cyte] Ependymal cell.


(ĕp-ĕn″dĭ-mō′mă) [″ + oma, tumor] A tumor arising from fetal inclusion of ependymal elements.


(ĕf-ĕd′ră) An herbal remedy derived from an East Asian plant (Ephedra sinica) promoted as a dietary aid, energy booster, and asthma treatment. SYN: ma huang.

image Its use has been associated in some patients with heart attack, stroke, arrhythmias, and emergency room visits for chest pain. The sale and use of ephedra has been banned in the U.S.


(ĕ-fed′rĭn, ef′ĕ-drĭn) [Ephedra, a genus name + -ine] A synthetic sympathomimetic alkaloid originally obtained from species of Ephedra; first isolated in 1887. In ancient Chinese medicine it was used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic. Its action is similar to that of epinephrine. Its effects, although less powerful, are more prolonged, and it exerts action when given orally, whereas epinephrine is effective only by injection. Ephedrine dilates the bronchial muscles, contracts the nasal mucosa, and raises the blood pressure. It is used chiefly for its bronchodilating effect in asthma, and for its constricting effect on the nasal mucosa in hay fever.

 INCOMPATIBILITY: Calcium chloride, iodine, and tannic acid are incompatible with ephedrine.

image Ephedrine and ephedra may produce hypertensive crises, myocardial ischemia, and cardiac rhythm disturbances.


(ĕf-ē′lĭs) pl. ephelides [Gr. ephelis, freckle] A ...

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