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entrance skin exposure

SEE: under exposure.


(en-trap′mĕnt) In medicine, compression, as of a peripheral nerve or vessel.


(ĕn-trō′pē-ŏn) [Gr. en, in, + trepein, to turn] An inversion or turning inward of an edge, esp. the margin of the lower eyelid. SYN: enstrophe.

cicatricial e. An inversion resulting from scar tissue on the inner surface of the lid.

spastic e. An inversion resulting from a spasm of the orbicularis oculi muscles.


(ĕn′trŏ-pē) [Gr. en, in, + trope, a turning] 1. The portion of energy within a system that cannot be used for mechanical work but is available for internal use. 2. The quantity or degree of randomness, disorder, or chaos in a system.


1. The passage of extracellular chemicals or organisms into cells. 2. The inputting of data into a computer, e.g., for recording or ordering drugs or treatments.

entry criterion

SEE: under criterion.


(ē-nū′klē-āt) [L. enucleare, to remove the kernel of] 1. To remove a part or a mass in its entirety. 2. To destroy or take out the nucleus of a cell. 3. To remove the eyeball surgically. 4. To remove a cataract surgically.


(ĕ-nū″klē-ā′shŭn) Removal of the entire eyeball after cutting the extraocular muscles and optic nerve.


(ĕ-nū′klē-ā-tor) An instrument for evacuating tissue intact, such as the ocular globe.


(en″ū-rē′sĭs, ′sĕz″) pl. enureses [Gr. enourein, to void urine] Involuntary discharge of urine after the age at which bladder control should have been established. In children, voluntary control of urination is usually present by 5 years of age. Nevertheless, nocturnal enuresis is present in about 10% of otherwise healthy 5-year-old children and in 1% of normal 15-year-old children. Enuresis is slightly more common in boys than in girls and occurs more frequently in first-born children. This condition has a distinct family tendency. SEE: nocturnal e.; bladder drill.

 TREATMENT: When no organic disease is present, the use of imipramine as a temporary adjunct may be helpful. This is usually given in a dose of 10 to 50 mg orally at bedtime, but the effectiveness may decrease with continued administration. The bladder may be trained to hold larger amounts of urine. This procedure has decreased the occurrence rate of enuresis. No matter what the cause, the child should not be made to feel guilty or ashamed, and the family and the child should regard enuresis as they would any other condition that lends itself ...

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