(ĕn-sĕf″ă-līt″-ŏ-zō′ŏn) A genus of the order Microsporidia. SEE: microsporidiosis.
encephalo-, encephal-
[Gr. enkephalos, brain] Prefixes meaning brain.
(ĕn-sĕf′ă-lō-sēl) [Gr. enkephalos, brain, + kele, hernia] A protrusion of the brain through a cranial fissure.
(ĕn-sĕf″ă-lō-sĭs′tō-sēl) [″ + kystis, sac, + kele, tumor, swelling] A hernia through a defect in the skull that contains brain and cerebrospinal fluid.
(ĕn-sĕf′ă-lō-grăm) [″ + gramma, something written] A radiograph of the brain, usually performed with air in the ventricles as a contrast medium. This procedure has been replaced by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
(ĕn-sĕf″ă-lŏg′ră-fē) [″ + graphein, to write] Radiography of the head, esp. examination following the introduction of air into the ventricles through a lumbar or cisternal puncture. This procedure is no longer performed. SEE: encephalogram.
(ĕn-sĕf′ă-loyd) [″ + eidos, form, shape] 1. Resembling the cerebral substance. 2. A malignant neoplasm of brainlike texture.
(ĕn-sĕf′ă-lō-lĭth) [″ + lithos, stone] A calculus of the brain.
(ĕn-sĕf″ă-lō-mă) [″ + oma, tumor] A tumor of the brain.
(en-sef″ă-lō-mă-lā′sh(ē-)ă) [encephalo- + -malacia] Softening of brain tissue, usually caused by insufficient blood supply or inflammation. It may be associated with progressive dementia or paresis.
multicystic e. A rare encephalomalacia of childhood in which multiple fluid-filled cavities replace brain tissue deprived of oxygen or blood.
(ĕn-sef″ă-lō-men″ĭn-jīf′ĭs) [encephalo- + meningitis] Meningoencephalitis.
(ĕn-sĕf″ă-lō-mĕ-nĭng′gŏ-sēl) [″ + ″ + kele, tumor, swelling] A protrusion of membranes and brain substance through the cranium.
(ĕn-sĕf′ă-lō-mēr″) [″ + meros, part] A primitive segment of the embryonic brain. SYN: neuromere.
(ĕn-sĕf″ă-lŏm′ĕ-tĕr) [″ + metron, measure] An instrument for measuring the cranium and locating brain regions.
(en-sef″ă-lō-mī″ĕl-īt′ĭs) [encephalo- + myelitis] Encephalitis accompanied by infection and inflammation of the spinal cord. It may follow a viral infection or, in rare instances, a vaccination with a live, weakened virus.
acute disseminated e. ABBR: ADEM. An uncommon demyelinating, inflammatory brain disease that may occur after some viral infections (such as mumps or measles) or a reactivation to varicella-zoster in adults. It usually occurs in children. It is treated with immune-modulating drugs. SYN: postinfectious encephalitis; postinfectious ...