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electroencephalographic technologist

(ĕ-lĕk″trō-ĕn-sĕf″ă-lō-grăfi′ĭk) A technologist who operates and maintains electroencephalographic machines.


(ĕ-lek″trō-ĕn-sef″ă-log′ră-fē) [electro- encephalography] Amplification, recording, and analysis of the electrical activity of the brain. SEE: electroencephalogram.

 Electrodes are placed on the scalp in various locations. The difference between the electric potential of two sites is recorded. The difference between one pair or among many pairs at a time can be obtained. The most frequently seen pattern in the normal adult under resting conditions is the alpha rhythm of 8.5 to 12 waves per sec. A characteristic change in the wave occurs during sleep, on opening the eyes, and during periods of concentration. Some people with intracranial disease will have a normal electroencephalogram (EEG), but others with no otherwise demonstrable disease will have an abnormal EEG. Nevertheless, the use of this diagnostic technique has proved to be very helpful in studying epilepsy and convulsive disorders and in localizing lesions in the cerebrum.

intracranial e. Electrocorticography.

video e. ABBR: V-EEG. The simultaneous use of digital video recording and 16-channel electroencephalography. It is used as a diagnostic aid in refractory epilepsy and may help confirm a diagnosis of psychogenic seizures. SEE: alpha rhythm; beta rhythm; theta wave.


(ĕ-lek″trō-glot′ŏ-gram″) [electro- + glotto- + -gram] A device that measures the vibrations and the closure of the vocal folds during speech.


(ĕ-lek″trō-gō″nē-om′ĕt-ĕr) [electro- + goniometer] An electrical device for measuring angles of joints and their range of motion.


(i-lek′trŏ-gram″) [electro- + -gram] A recording of the electrical activity of any organ of the body; e.g., an electrocardiogram.


(ĕ-lĕk″trō-hī-drŏl′ĭk) Pert. to the electrical generation of shock waves in a fluid; said of a device or system.


(i-lek″trō-im″yŭ-nō-dif-ū′zhŏn, i-im-ū′nō-) [electro- + immunodiffusion] ABBR: EID. A laboratory method of identifying antigens in the blood by creating an artificial antigen-antibody reaction.


(ĕ-lek″trō-lar″ingks) [electro- + larynx] A voice-restoring device used by some patients after surgical removal of the larynx. The device, which is held against the anterior neck just above the thyroid cartilage, amplifies breath sounds.


(ē″lĕk-trŏl′ĭ-sĭs) [″ + lysis, dissolution] The decomposition of a substance by passage of an electric current through it. Hair follicles may be destroyed by this method. SEE: depilatory technique.


(ĕ-lek′trŏ-līt″) [electro- + -lyte] 1. A solution that conducts electricity. 2. A substance that, in solution, conducts an electric current and is decomposed by its ...

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