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electroconvulsive therapy.


(ek′tad″) [ecto- + -ad] Toward the surface or outside. SEE: entad.

ectasia, ectasis

(ek-tā′zh(ē-)ă, ek′tă-sĭs) [Gr. ektasis, stretching, tension] Dilatation of any tubular vessel.

duct e. An inflammatory condition of the lactiferous ducts of the breast. There may be a discharge from the nipple, inversion of the nipple, and periareolar sepsis. The ectasia may occur at any age following menarche. Even though it resembles carcinoma of the breast, it is not malignant.

 ETIOLOGY: The cause is unknown, but in some cases it may be associated with hyperprolactinemia due to a pituitary tumor.

 TREATMENT: Duct ectasia is treated with surgical drainage of the abscess and antibiotics.

dural e. A dilation of the membranes that line the lumbosacral spine, typically seen in patients with Marfan syndrome.

hypostatic e. Dilatation of a blood vessel from the pooling of blood in dependent parts, esp. the legs.

e. iridis Small size of the pupil of the eye caused by displacement of the iris.


[L. fr. Gr. ektasis, extension] Suffix meaning dilation or expansion.


(ek-tat′ik) Pert. to ectasia.


(ek″teth′moyd″) [ecto- + Gr. ēthmos, a strainer, sieve + -oid] Either of two lateral masses of the ethmoid bone. ectethmoid, adj.


(ek-thī′mă) [Gr. ekthyma, pimple] A crusting skin infection caused by pyogenic streptococci. It is similar to impetigo but extends more fully into the epidermis. Typically lesions are found on the shins or the dorsum of the feet.

 TREATMENT: Topical skin cleansing, mupirocin ointment, and/or oral antibiotics (such as clindamycin) are needed to eradicate the infection.

e. gangrenosum ABBR: EG. Ecthyma caused by pyogenic streptococci or staphylococci. It is similar to impetigo but extends into the dermis. Lesions are typically found on the shins or the dorsum of the feet.


[Gr. ektos, outside] Prefix meaning outside.


(ek″tō-ant′ĭ-gĕn) [-ecto- + antigen] A surface antigen of bacteria that may be separated from them by agitation.


(ek′tŏ-blast″) [ecto- + -blast] 1. The outer layer of cells (epithelium) of an embryo. 2. The ectoderm. ectoblastic (ek″tŏ-blas′tik), adj.


(ĕk′tō-kăr′dē-ă) [″ + kardia, heart] Displacement of the heart.


(ĕk″tō-sĕr′vĭks) The portion of the canal of the ...

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