(sī-tol′ĭ-sĭn) [cyto- + lysin] An antibody or toxin that damages or destroys cell membranes.
(sī-tŏl′ĭ-sĭs) Dissolution or destruction of living cells.
(sīt″ŏ-meg″ă-lō-vī′rŭs) [cyto- + megalo- + virus] A widely distributed species-specific herpesvirus; in humans, it inhabits many different tissues and causes cytomegalic inclusion disease (cytomegalovirus infection). SYN: human herpesvirus 5. SEE: cytomegalovirus infection.
cytomegalovirus infection
(sī″tō-mĕt″ă-plā′zē-ă) [Gr. kytos, cell, + metaplasis, change] Change in form or function of cells.
(sī-tŏm′ĕ-ter) [″ + metron, measure] An instrument for counting and measuring cells.
flow c. A device for measuring thousands of cells as they are forced one at a time through a focused light beam, usually a laser. Cells studied by this device need to be in an evenly dispersed suspension.
(sī-tŏm′ĕ-trē) [cyto- + -metry] The counting and measuring of cells.
flow c. A technique for analyzing individual cells passing through a detector system. In one method, the cells are tagged with a monoclonal antibody carrying a fluorescent label. They pass through the detector at about 10,000 cells per second. Flow cytometry has many clinical and research applications, including analysis of cell size, structure, and viability; examination of DNA and RNA in the cells; determination of pH in the cells; and chromosome analysis. Flow cytometry is also used to determine the percentages of cells in various stages of development in a population, making it possible to estimate the extent or controllability of a malignant tumor. Monitoring the number of populations of T cells, B cells, and T helper and suppressor cells and using that information to calculate the helper/suppressor ratio assist in determining the patient’s immune status. Flow cytometry has been used in monitoring survival of transplanted organs and tissues such as bone marrow. SYN: cytofluorometry. SEE: cell sorting.
(sī″tō-mī′tōm) [″ + mitos, thread] The fibrils or microtubules of the cytoplasm.
(sī′tō-mĭks) [Gr. kytos, cell, + L. mistura, mixture] A mixture of cytokines containing tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1 beta, and gamma interferon.
(sī″tō-mŏj′ŏl-ŏ-tawr″ē, -mŏ′dūl-) [″ + modulatory] Capable of altering cells, esp. their growth, immune responsiveness, or reproduction.
(sī″tō-mor-fŏl′ō-jē) [″ + morphe, form, + logos, word, reason] The study of the structure of cells.
(sī″tō-mor-fō′sĭs) [″ + ″ + osis, condition] The changes in a cell during its ...