Pert. to life in a community, esp. in one more strictly defined than the general population, for example, by age or disability.
community supervision
(kō″mor′bĭd) [com- + morbid] Pert. to a disease that exists simultaneously with and worsens or affects a primary disease. For example, the primary disease could be cancer and the comorbid disease emphysema. comorbidity (-mor-bid′ĭt-ē), n.
(kŏm′păkt) Closely and tightly packed together; solid.
(kŏm-păk′shŭn) 1. Simultaneous engagement of the presenting parts of twins in the pelvis so that labor cannot progress. 2. In dentistry, the act or process of joining or packing together powdered gold, mat gold, or gold foil in a prepared cavity in a tooth.
companion diagnostics
companionship service
(kŭm-păn′yĭn-shĭp) The provision of personal home-based protection, assistance, and company for those who cannot or do not frequently leave their residences. Companionship services include conversation, reading aloud, or running light errands and are most often provided to the aged or infirm.
comparative effectiveness research
(kŏm-par′ăt-ŏr) [L. comparator, a comparer] Something, e.g., an old drug from an established class, with which another item is compared.
In public health or toxicology, a synonym for baseline. SEE: baseline.
1. A part of the body composed of several elements linked in a common structure, e.g., the abdominal compartment, or the muscular compartments of a limb. 2. A conceptual body part considered as an independent system when modeling the distribution or clearance of substances.
(kŏm-part″ment″ăl-ĭ-zā′shŏn) 1. In psychology, the separation of emotions from thought; of work from leisure; or of action from logic or morality; dissociation. 2. The division of the cell or of other biological structures into distinct regions with separate functions. 3. In health care management, the splitting of a large task into smaller parts. compartmentalize (kŏm-part″ment′ăl-īz″), v.
(kŏm-part′mĕnt) Elevation of tissue pressure within a closed fascial compartment, causing a decreased arteriovenous pressure and decreased muscular perfusion. Acutely, compartment syndromes are caused by hemorrhage and/or edema within a closed space, or external compression or arterial occlusion that induces postischemic reperfusion. Health care professionals should be watchful for compartment syndrome in crushing injuries, burns, casted fractures, and wounds requiring heavy circumferential dressings. Chronic compartment syndromes (also known as exertional or recurrent ...