(sĭn-kō′nă, -chō′nă) [Sp. cinchon, Countess of Cinchon] The dried bark of the tree from which the antimalarial quinine is derived.
(sĭn′kŏn-ĭzm) [″ + Gr. -ismos, condition] Poisoning from cinchona or its alkaloids. SYN: quininism.
(sĭn′klĭ-sĭs) [Gr. kinklisis, a wagging] Swift spasmodic movement of any part of the body.
(sĭn″ē-ăn″jē-ō-kăr″dē-ŏg′ră-fē) [Gr. kinesis, movement, + angeion, vessel, + kardia, heart, + graphein, to write] Cinefluorographic imaging of the heart chambers or coronary vessels after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium. SEE: cardiac catheterization.
radionuclide c. The use of a scintillation camera to record and project the image of a radioisotope as it travels through the heart and great vessels.
(sĭn″ĕ-măt′ĭks) [Gr. kinema, motion] The science of motion; kinematics.
(sĭn″ĕ-măt-ō-rā″dē-ŏg′ră-fē) [″ + L. radius, ray, + Gr. graphein, to write] Radiography of an organ in motion.
(sĭn″ĕ-mī-krŏg′ră-fē) [Gr. kinesis, movement, + mikros, small, + graphein, to write] A motion picture record of an object seen through a microscope.
(sĭn″ĕ-plăs′tĭks) [″ + plassein, to form] The arrangement of muscles and tendons in a stump after amputation so that it is possible to impart motion and direction to an artificial limb.
(sing′gyŭ-lot″ŏ-mē) [cingulum + -tomy] Surgical excision of the anterior half of the cingulate gyrus of the brain. It may be done to alleviate intractable pain or obsessive compulsive disorder.
(sing′gyŭ-lŭm, sing′gyŭ-lă) pl. cingula [L., cingulum, belt, girdle] 1. A myelinated axon tract underlying the cingulate gyrus on the medial side of the cerebral hemisphere. It is a segment of the limbic system and connects the frontal and parietal lobes with the parahippocampal and adjacent gyri of the ipsilateral temporal lobe. SYN: cingulate bundle; cingulate fasciculus; cingulum bundle. 2. A convexity on the cervical third of the lingual aspect of incisors and canines. SYN: basal ridge.
(sĭ-nam′ik) SEE: under acid.
(sĭn′nă-mŏn) A volatile oil derived from the bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum. It is used as a flavoring agent in cooking and in preparing pharmaceutical products.
Congenital insensitivity to pain.
(sip″rŏ-flok′să-sĭn, ″rō-) A fluoroquinolone and ...