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(kăl′ō-rē) [L. calor, heat] A unit of heat. A calorie may be equated to work or to other units of heat measurement. Small calories are converted to joules by multiplying by 4.1855.

gram c. Small c.

kilogram c. Large calorie; one thousand calories.

large c. ABBR: C, Cal, or kcal. The amount of heat needed to change the temperature of 1 kg of water from 14.5°C to 15.5°C. It is commonly used in metabolic studies and in reference to human nutrition. It is always capitalized to distinguish it from a small calorie. SYN: kilogram c.; kilocalorie.

small c. ABBR: c, cal. The amount of heat needed to change the temperature of 1 g of water 1°C. SYN: gram c.

calorie labeling

Listing the caloric content of food on its packaging.

calorie restriction, caloric restriction

Limiting the consumption of food to less than what an organism would eat if given free access to nutrients. In laboratory animals, esp. mice and rodents, limiting the quantity of food ingested, while maintaining adequate levels of essential nutrients, prolongs life. Calorie restriction in humans decreases body mass index, improves serum lipid levels, and lowers blood pressure (with other potentially beneficial effects), but its effect on longevity is speculative. SEE: calorie; Food Guide Pyramid; food requirements.


(kă-lor″ĭ-fā′shĕnt) [L. calor, heat, + faciens, making] 1. Producing heat. 2. A food that is calorically rich.


(kăl″ō-rĭf′ĭk) Producing heat.


(kă-lor″ĭ-jĕn′ĭk) [″ + Gr. gennan, to produce] Pert. to the production of heat or energy.


(kăl″ō-rĭm′ĕ-tĕr) [″ + Gr. metron, measure] An instrument for determining the amount of heat exchanged in a chemical reaction or by the animal body under specific conditions.

bomb c. An apparatus for determining potential food energy. Heat produced in combustion is measured by the amount of heat absorbed by a known quantity of water in which the calorimeter is immersed.

respiration c. An apparatus for measuring heat produced from exchange of respiratory gases.


(kăl″ō-rĭm′ĕ-trē) Measurement of quantities of heat.


(kal-pō′nĭn) A smooth-muscle binding protein. It is used in immunohistochemistry to identify tumors that contain myoepithelial cells, and it regulates the contraction of smooth muscle.


(kal″prŏ-tek′tĭn) A water-soluble, calcium- and zinc-binding 36.5 kD protein found in the cytosol of neutrophils. Laboratory assays that detect fecal calprotectin (FC) are used as screening tests for colorectal cancer, diverticulitis, dysentery, and inflammatory ...

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