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(broo-sĕl′ĭn) A protein extract of any species of Brucella. It formerly was used in human skin tests to diagnose brucellosis and is still used for that purpose by veterinarians. Agglutination tests and cultures are now preferred for human testing.


(broo″sĕ-lō′sĭs) [Brucella + -osis] A widespread infectious disease affecting cattle, swine, goats, other animals, and sometimes humans, caused by bacteria of several Brucella spp. In humans it is an influenza-like illness, with fevers, chills, headache, and body aches. It is a rare cause of endocarditis. It occurs most often in ranchers, veterinarians, and those who consume un-pasteurized dairy products.

 TREATMENT: In adults, treatment consists of doxycycline and rifampin, or doxcycline and an aminoglycoside, for 6 weeks. In children and pregnant women, tetracyclines should be avoided because they damage developing teeth and bones. SYN: Malta fever; Mediterranean fever; undulant fever. SEE: Brucella.

Bruch, Karl

(brook, brookh) Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Bruch, Ger. anatomist, 1819–1884.

B. membrane A glassy membrane of the uvea of the eye, lying between the choroid membrane and the pigmented epithelium of the retina. SYN: lamina basalis choroideae; lamina vitrea; vitreous lamella.

Brudzinski sign

(broo-jin′skē, -zin′) [Józef Brudzinski, Polish physician, 1874–1917] Flexion of the hips when the neck is flexed from a supine position. It occurs in patients with meningeal inflammation. SEE: Kernig’s sign; meningitis.

Brugada syndrome

(broo-gŏd′ă) A rare hereditary syndrome, occasionally autosomal dominant, marked by right bundle branch block, S-T segment elevation in the right precordial leads of the ECG, and a high risk of sudden death from ventricular arrhythmias.

Brugia malayi

(broo′jă mah-lā′-ī) A filarial parasitic worm that can invade lymphatics and cause massive swelling of the scrotum or of the lower extremities. The latter condition is called elephantiasis. SEE: elephantiasis; Wuchereria.

Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency

ABBR: BOTMP. A standardized test of gross and fine motor performance for children from 4 to 14.


(brooz) [O. Fr. bruiser, to break] A traumatic injury (usually to the skin but sometimes to internal organs) in which blood vessels are broken but tissue surfaces remain intact. Discoloration, swelling, inflammation, and pain are typical signs and symptoms. Fresh bruises on the skin are often red or purple. Older bruises may turn green and then yellow or brown, as the blood products within them age and are reabsorbed, but gauging the age of a bruise by its color is imprecise, at best. Bruising in infants may suggest occult child abuse. Bruising in older adults is more often an indication of the use of anticoagulant drugs than of physical mistreatment. SYN: ecchymosis.


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