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(bak-tēr″ē-ū′rē-ă) [bacterio- + -uria] The presence of bacteria in the urine.

asymptomatic b. Bacteria in the urine without symptoms of urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis. The diagnosis is established by the finding of > 100,000 colony-forming units of a single urinary pathogen in two consecutive midstream, clean-catch urinary specimens. It is common in older women and in patients with indwelling urinary catheters but is not an indication for antibiotic therapy in these groups. In children, it may be a sign of underlying urinary tract abnormalities. Screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria is recommended for pregnant women at 12 to 16 weeks’ gestation. Antibiotic treatment for asymptomatic bacteriuria should be given to pregnant women and to patients scheduled for urological procedures. Screening school-age children is not beneficial.

significant b. Concentration of pathogenic bacteria in the urine of 105 per mL or greater when this finding is associated both with urinary tract symptoms and with more than 10 white blood cells/high-powered microscopic field.


(băk′tĕr-oyd) [″ + eidos, form, shape] 1. Resembling a bacterium. 2. A structurally modified bacterium.


(bak-tĕ-royd′ēz″) A genus of gram-negative, anaerobic, non–spore-forming bacilli that forms most of the intestinal flora and may be found in smaller numbers on the oral, upper respiratory, and genital mucous membranes. Members of the species release an endotoxin that contributes to tissue destruction. They are often found in abscesses or in infections in which gas is found, e.g., on radiographic studies. All species multiply rapidly in necrotic tissue; infections that start in the colon, e.g., may spread to neighboring tissues or the bloodstream producing intra-abdominal abscesses, peritonitis, or septicemia.

B. forsythus Tannerella forsythia.

B. fragilis A species that may produce life-threatening infections in blood vessels, the peritoneum, or the pelvis.


(bak″yŭ-lō-vī′rŭs) [L. baculum, staff, walking stick + virus] A double-stranded DNA virus that infects insects. It is used in recombinant DNA technology, e.g., in manufacturing influenzavaccines.

Baer plane

[Karl Ernst von Baer, Prussian-Estonian anatomist, 1792–1876] A plane through the upper border of the zygomatic arches.


(băf′ĭl) In respiratory care, a component of a nebulizer designed to remove large aerosol particles.


(bag) 1. A sack or pouch. 2. A colloquial term meaning to support a patient’s respirations with a face mask and a manually compressible source of air or oxygen. 3. To place a specimen or a used or potentially infectious item in a flexible plastic container, either for delivery to the lab or for disposal.

colostomy b. A watertight receptacle that holds the discharge from a colostomy site. SYN: colostomy...

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