(ot″ō-pri-sip′ĭt-ĭn) [auto- + precipitin] Precipitin active against the serum of the animal in which it was formed.
(o′top″sē) [Gr. autopsia, seeing with one’s own eyes] A postmortem examination to determine the cause of death and the diseases present at the time of death. SYN: necropsy; necroscopy.
molecular a. Laboratory evaluation of a patient’s genetic predisposition to disease after he or she dies. It may be used when anatomical autopsy findings are inconclusive.
psychological a. An attempt to determine what, if any, emotional or psychological factors caused or contributed to an individual’s suicide.
social a. An investigation of the stresses present in a community that may have contributed to a cluster of unexpected deaths.
verbal a. An attempt to determine the cause of death by interviewing those who were familiar with the illness affecting the deceased.
virtual a. A determination of the factors that contributed to or caused the death of a person, employing imaging devices, e.g., CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging, or ultrasonography instead of surgical dissection of the corpse.
(ot″ō-rē-ak′tiv) [auto-reactive] Exhibiting an immune response against the body’s own antigens.
(ot″ō-rē″ak-tiv′ĭt-ē) [auto- + reactivity] Autoimmunity.
(ot″ō-ri-sep′tŏr) [auto- + receptor] A cellular receptor that influences how the cell manufactures and releases the same neurotransmitter that stimulated the receptor.
(ot″ō-reg″yŭ-lā′shŏn) [auto-regulation] Control of an event such as blood flow through a tissue (such as muscle) by alteration of the tissue. If blood flow is insufficient, precapillary sphincters dilate; when blood flow increases, precapillary sphincters constrict. autoregulate (ot″ō-reg′yŭ-lāte″), v.
(ot″ō-rē″in-fū′zhŏn) [″auto- + reinfusion] Intravenous injection of a patient’s blood that has been collected from a site in which bleeding had occurred, such as the abdominal or pleural cavity. SEE: autologous blood transfusion.
(ot″ō-rĕ-sŭs″ĭ-tā′shŏn) [auto- + resuscitation] Spontaneous resumption of normal breathing and circulation after apparent death. autoresuscitate (ot″ō-rĕ-sŭs′ĭ-tāt″), v.
(ot″ō-sen″sĭt-ĭ-zā′shŏn) [auto- + sensitization] Sensitivity to one’s own cells, fluids, or tissues. SEE: autoimmune disease.
(ot″ō-sep″tĭ-sē′mē-ă) [auto- + septicemia] Septicemia from resident bacterial flora or their toxins.
(ot′ŏ-sīt″) [auto- + Gr. sitos, food] The relatively normal member of asymmetrically conjoined twins, the other twin being dependent on the autosite for its nutrition.