antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
ABBR: ADCC. Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity.
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
ABBR: ADCC. The increased ability of natural killer (NK) cells and eosinophils to bind with foreign antigens coated with IgG antibodies and destroy them. When receptors on NK cells bind to the antibody’s Fc fragment, they are stimulated to produce interferon gamma and degranulate, releasing destructive enzymes that kill cells infected with a virus. The presence of antibodies differentiates ADCC from T-cell cytotoxicity, which does not require their presence. SYN: antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. SEE: natural killer cell.
The creation of antibodies that target specific antigens; used to treat immunological deficiencies, some cancers, and organ transplant rejection. The antibodies are given by injection. SEE: monoclonal antibody.
(ant″i-kan′sĕr) [anti- + cancer] Pert. to any treatment to combat, prevent, or treat cancer, e.g., an anticancer protein or an anticancer drug.
(ant″i-kars″ĭn-ō-jen′ik) [anti- + carcinogenic] 1. Tending to delay or prevent tumor formation. 2. A substance or action that prevents or delays tumor formation.
(ant″i-kar″ē-ō-jen′ik) [anti- + cariogenic] A substance or action that interferes with the development of dental caries.
(ant″i-kar′ē-ŭs) [anti- + carious] Preventing tooth decay.
(ant″i-kō″lĭ-nĕr′jik) [anti- + cholinergic] 1. Impeding the impulses of cholinergic, esp. parasympathetic, nerve fibers. 2. An agent that blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses. The side effects, which include dry mouth and blurred vision, are seen in phenothiazine and tricyclic antidepressant drug therapy. SYN: parasympatholytic.
(ant″i-kō-lĭ-nes′tĕ-rās″) [anti- + cholinesterase] A chemical, e.g., an enzyme or drug, that opposes the action of cholinesterase.
(an-tis′ĭ-pāt″) [L. anticapare, to take before] 1. To occur before the usual time of onset (of a particular illness or disease). 2. In nursing and medicine, to expect, predict, or prepare for something outside the routine.
(an-tis″ĭ-pā′shŏn) 1. Appearance of a symptom or disease before the usual time. 2. In inherited illnesses, the expression of a trait at earlier and earlier ages as the trait passes from one generation to the next. Some studies suggest this effect results from enhanced surveillance of offspring as opposed to earlier onset of the disease.
(ant″i-klī′năl) [anti- + Gr. klinein, to lean] Inclined in opposite directions, as the facing sides of a valley.
(ant″i-kō-ag′yŭ-lănt) [anti- + coagulant] 1. Delaying or preventing blood coagulation. 2....