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(ant″i-vĕrt′ĕd) Tipped forward, esp. of a position of the uterus. antevert (ant′i-vĕrt″), v.

anthelmintic, anthelminthic, antihelmintic

(ant″hel-min′tik, -thik, ant″i-) [anti- + helminthic] 1. Purging or destroying parasitic worms. 2. An agent that purges or destroys parasitic worms. SYN: vermicide.


(an′thĕ-mĭs) [L. anthemis fr Gr. anthemis, chamomile] A genus of approx. 100 species of aromatic flowering plants. The entire genus is commonly called chamomile. SEE: chamomile.

A. nobilis SEE: chamomile.


(an″thŏ-sī′ă-nĭn) [Gr. anthos, flower + cyano- + -in] Any of several water-soluble pigments found in berries, grapes, and other fruits and vegetables as they ripen. All of them are antioxidants and belong to a class of compounds called flavonoids.

anthrac-, anthraco-

[Gr. anthrax, stem anthrac-, coal, carbuncle] Prefixes meaning coal, carbon, or carbuncle.


(an′thră-sēn″) [anthrac- + -ene] C14H10; an aromatic hydrocarbon obtained from distilling coal tar. It is used to manufacture the dye alizarin and insecticides.


(an″thră-kō′sĭs) [anthrac- + -osis] A benign accumulation of carbon deposits in the lungs due to inhalation of smoke or coal dust. anthracotic (-kot′ik), adj. SEE: black lung.


(an″thră-sī′klēn″) [anthrac- + -cycline] Any of several antineoplastic antibiotic-based drugs that block DNA synthesis in tumors. They are used to treat solid organ cancers, e.g., breast cancer, and leukemias. Examples include daunorubicin, doxorubicin, and mitoxantrone.

image Injury to heart muscle cells and heart failure are complications of high-dose anthracycline-based chemotherapeutic regimens.


(an′thraks″) [Gr. anthrax, coal, carbuncle] An acute infectious disease caused by contact with, ingestion of, or inhalation of the endospores of Bacillus anthracis. SEE: illus.




Cutaneous anthrax lesion on the neck (SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)


 INCIDENCE: Until the 20th century, anthrax killed hundreds of thousands of animals and humans annually. Because of more than a century of vaccination programs of domestic animals, sterilization of raw waste of domestic animals, and anthrax eradication programs in the developed world, the disease is now relatively rare among domestic animals in the developed world. Outbreaks of anthrax are not uncommon among wild animal populations of the developed world and among domestic and wild animal populations in the developing world.

 CAUSES: The endospores of B. anthracis germinate at the site of entry into the tissues and then spread via the circulation to the lymphatics, where the endospores ...

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