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(an″jē-ō-poy-ē′tĭn; -poy′ĕ-tĭn) [angio- + -poiet(ic) + -in] Any of several genes (or the proteins they encode) that stimulate new blood vessel formation. The proteins encoded by angiopoietin are found in healthy cardiac endothelium and in diseased tissues such as arthritic joints and malignant tumors.


(an″jē-ō-sar-kō′mă) [angio- + sarcoma] A malignant neoplasm originating from blood vessels. SYN: hemangiosarcoma.


(an′jē-ŏ-skōp″) [angio- + -scope] A slender fiber-optic catheter inserted directly into a blood vessel, e.g., a coronary artery, to visualize its interior.


(an″jē-os′kŏ-pē) [angio- + -scopy] Visual examination of the inside of a blood vessel with a fiber-optic catheter. It is used primarily in the coronary arteries.


(an′jē-ō-spazm) [angio- + spasm] Spasmodic contraction of blood vessels. It is a possible cause of muscle cramps or of intermittent claudication. angiospastic (an″jē-ō-spas′tik), adj.


(an″jē-ō-stat′ĭn) [angio- + statin] A protein fragment of plasminogen that inhibits the growth of blood vessels, possibly by blocking the enzyme adenosine triphosphate synthase on the endothelium. It may shrink malignant tumors by decreasing their blood supply.


(an″jē-ō-stron″jĭ-lī′ă-sĭs) [Angiostrongylus + -iasis] Infection with Angiostrongylus species and characterized by severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness, fever, and then to CNS (central nervous system) symptoms, severe headache, and stiffness of the neck. SEE: Angiostrongylus; lungworm; rat lungworm.


(ăn″jē-ō-stron′jĭ-lŭs) [angio- + Gr. strongylos, round] A genus of roundworms that can cause eosinophilic meningitis in humans. Species include A. cantonensis and A. costaricensis. SEE: lungworm; rat lungworm.


(an″jē-ō-ten′sĭn) A vasopressor formed when renin is released from the kidney. It promotes the release of aldosterone.

a. I The physiologically inactive form of angiotensin. It is converted to angiotensin II in the lungs.

a. II ABBR: ATII. The physiologically active form of angiotensin. It raises blood pressure and stimulates production and secretion of aldosterone.

a. amide A vasoconstricting compound of angiotensin.


(an″jē-ō-ten″sin′ŏ-jen″) [angiotensin + -gen] A serum globulin fraction formed in the liver; converted to angiotensin as a result of hydrolysis by renin.


(an″jē-ō-ther′ă-pē) [angio- + therapy] Treatment applied directly into a catheterized blood vessel. Angiotherapy is used to dissolve thrombi within arteries or veins or to infuse drugs directly into the blood supply of a tumor.

Angle classification

(ang′gĕl) [Edward Hartley Angle, U.S. dentist, 1855–1930] ...

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