(al′ŏ-graft″) [allo- + graft] An organ or tissue transplanted from one member of a species to another genetically dissimilar member of the same species. Common transplanted organs include the cornea, bone, artery, cartilage, kidney, liver, lung, heart, and pancreas. Recipients of allografts take immunosuppressive drugs to prevent tissue rejection. SYN: allogeneic graft; homograft. SEE: autograft; heterograft; transplantation.
(al″ō-i-mūnʹ) [allo- + immune] Pert. to the immune response to antigens on blood or tissue cells received from a donor of the same species.
Alloiococcus otitis, Alloiococcus otitidis
(ăl-oy″ŏ-kŏk’ŭs) [Gr. alloios, another kind of + coccus] A species of aerobic gram-positive bacteria often found in patients with otitis media with effusion.
(ă-lom′ĕr-ĭzm) [allo- + -mere +-ism] A change in chemical constitution without a change in crystalline composition. SEE: allomorphism.
(al″ŏ-mor′fĭzm) [allo- + morph- + -ism] A change in form without a change in chemical constitution. SEE: allomerism.
(al′ŏ-path″) One who practices allopathy.
(ă″lop′ă-thē) [allo- + -pathy] 1. A system of treating disease by inducing a pathological reaction antagonistic to the disease being treated. 2. A term erroneously used for the regular practice of medicine to differentiate it from homeopathy. allopathic (al″ŏ-path′ik), adj. allopathically (al″ŏ-path′ik(ă-)lē), adv.
(al′ŏ-plas″tē) [allo- + -plasty] 1. Plastic surgery using inert materials or those obtained from a tissue bank, e.g., cornea, bone. 2. In psychiatry, adaptation by altering the external environment rather than changing oneself. SEE: autoplasty.
(al″ō-prĕg-năn′ō-lōn) [Gr. allos, other, another + pregnanolone] The primary product of the metabolism of progesterone. It is an endocrinologically and neurologically-active steroid.
(al″ō-sī′kĭk) [allo- + psychic] Pert. to mental processes in relation to the external environment.
(al″ō-pūr′ĭ-nol″) A drug that inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase. Because allopurinol causes a reduction in both serum and urine levels of uric acid, it is used in the treatment of gout and of renal calculi caused by uric acid.
A potentially fatal rash is a rare but significant side effect
(al″ō-rē-ak′tiv) [allo- + reactive] Pert. to certain classes of T lymphocytes, immunologically reactive against a transplanted tissue or organ.
(ă-los′-tă-sĭs) Physiological adaptation to stress.
(al″ō-ster′ik) A chemical that modifies the allosteric binding site ...