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activities of daily living.

Adler, Alfred

(ad′lĕr) Austrian psychiatrist, 1870–1937, founder of the school of individual psychology. SEE: individual psychology; psychoanalysis.

ad lib

(ad lib) SEE: ad libitum.

ad libitum

(ad lib′ĭ-tŭm) [L. ad libitum] ABBR: ad lib. As desired, used as a direction in writing prescriptions.


(ad-loom′ĭ-năl) [ad- + luminal] Next to a lumen.


asymmetrical dimethylarginine.


An acronym for absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity. These are key elements that determine the safety, uptake, elimination, metabolic behavior, and effectiveness of drugs.


(ăd-min″ĭ-strā′shŏn) [L. administrare, to assist, serve] 1. The dispensing or application of a therapeutic agent. 2. The managers and management of a health care institution. SYN: governance.

Administration on Aging

ABBR: AOA. An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that conducts research in the field of aging and assists federal, state, and local agencies in planning and developing programs for the aged. SEE: Older Americans Act.


(ăd-mish′ŏn) [L. admissio, fr admittere, to send to, allow to come or go] 1. Acceptance of a student into a program of study. 2. Hospitalization of a patient.

bounce-back a. A readmission to an emergency department or hospital for a previously evaluated or treated condition.

conditional school a. Permitting students to enter school on the promise that they will obtain all recommendation vaccinations.

admission of fact

(ăd-mi′shŏn) A written request to accept or deny mutually agreed upon deeds, statements, or assertions of a lawsuit.


(ad-miksʹ) [L. admixtus, mixed] To blend or combine.

ad nauseam

(ad no′zē-ăm) [L. ad nauseam, to (the point of sea)sickness] Of such degree or extent as to produce nausea.


(ad-nek′să) [L. adnectere, annectere, to attach] 1. The accessory parts of a structure. 2. The accessory structures to the uterus, i.e., the ovaries and fallopian tubes. adnexal (ad-nek′săl), adj.


A suffix used to designate an opiate receptor agonist/antagonist.


(ad″ŏl-es′ĕns) [Fr. fr. L. adolescentia] The period from the beginning of puberty until maturity. Because the onset of puberty and maturity is a gradual process and varies among individuals, it is not practical to set exact age or chronological limits ...

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