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(ad′(ĕ-)noydz″) [aden- + -oid] 1. Lymphatic tissue forming a prominence on the wall of the pharyngeal recess of the nasopharynx. 2. A colloquial term for enlarged or inflamed pharyngeal tonsils, esp. in children. SEE: pharyngeal tonsil.


(ad″ĕ-nō-li-pō′mă) [adeno- + lipoma] A benign tumor having glandular characteristics but composed of fat.


(ad″ĕn-ō′mă, ad″ĕn-ō′măt-ă) pl. adenomas, adenomata [aden- + -oma] A benign tumor made of epithelial cells, usually arranged like a gland. adenomatous (ad″ĕn-ō′măt-ŭs), adj.

PATIENT CARE: Initial care focuses on identifying the sites of tumors, performing biopsies or noninvasive studies to determine if they are benign or malignant, and discussing findings with the patient, the patient’s family, and significant others. Disease-specific education is provided to explain diagnostic options and support the patient. Malignant adenomata may need surgical removal; they may be treated with a combination of therapies, including surgical removal, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or chemotherapy. Patient education, esp. with respect to the side effects of therapies and implementing strategies to ameliorate the side effects, is crucial. General emotional support of the patient eases anxiety, isolation, and suffering.

basophil a., basophilic a. An adenoma of the pituitary gland in which cells stain with basic dyes. The term was formerly used to suggest tumors that secreted adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), the cause of Cushing disease. Those tumors are now identified more directly by the identification (by immunocytochemistry) of ACTH in tumor cells. The use of hematoxylin and eosin staining to identify pituitary tumors is obsolete.

bronchiolar a. A benign tumor that develops from respiratory epithelial cells.

chromophobe a. An adenoma of the pituitary gland composed of cells that do not stain readily. The term has more historical value than descriptive value and is no longer in use.

corticotroph a. A tumor of the pituitary gland that produces adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

cystic a. Cystadenoma.

a. detection rate The number of colonic adenomas detected in 100 colonoscopies. The higher the rate, the less likely colorectal cancers will be missed. ANT: adenoma miss rate.

follicular a. An adenoma of the thyroid.

hepatocellular a., liver cell a., hepadenoma A rare benign liver tumor, typically identified in women of childbearing age, esp. those who use estrogen-containing contraceptives.

Hürthle cell a. SEE: under Hürthle, Karl W.

malignant a. Adenocarcinoma.

metanephric a. A rare, noncancerous tumor that develops from embryonic kidney tubular cells.

missed a. An adenoma that an endoscopist fails to identify during colonoscopy screening.

papillary a. An adenoma with nipple-shaped glands.


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