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activity analysis

The process used by occupational therapists to determine the social, symbolic, physical, cognitive, and developmental characteristics of a task or activity. Typical characteristics of interest include safety, cost, gradability, required space, tools or supplies, complexity, and social or cultural significance or meaning.

activity intolerance

Insufficient physiological or psychological energy to endure or complete required or desired daily activities. Risk factors include conditions such as anemia, obesity, musculoskeletal disorders, neurological deficits (such as those following stroke), severe heart disease, chronic pulmonary disease, metabolic disorders, and prolonged sedentary lifestyle. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.

activity intolerance, risk for

Susceptible to experiencing insufficient physiological or psychological energy to endure or complete required or desired daily activities, which may compromise health. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.

activity therapist

An allied health professional who assists patients or residents of care facilities with activities for leisure, recreation, habilitation, or rehabilitation purposes.


(ak″tŏ-mī′ŏ-sĭn) [act(in)- + myosin] The combination of actin and myosin in a muscle.




arteminisin-based combination therapies (drug combinations used to treat proven cases of malaria).


(ak′choo-ăl) [Fr. fr. L. actualis, active, practical] Real, existent.


(ak′choo-āt″ŏr) A component of a mechanical or electronic device that initiates a given action.


[L. acus, needle] Prefix meaning clarity, sharpness, or needle.


(ă-kū′ĭt-ē) [Fr. fr. L. acuere, to sharpen] 1. Clearness, sharpness of a sensory function, e.g., visual acuity. 2. In emergency and critical care medicine, the severity of a hospitalized patient’s illness and the level of attention or service he or she will need from professional staff.

distance a. The ability to register optical details of objects that are far from the eye, e.g., on a chart positioned 20 ft away from the viewer in a test of visual acuity.

near a. The ability to register optical details when objects are only 12–14 in from the eye.

visual a. A measure of the resolving power of the eye. It is usually determined by one’s ability to read letters of various sizes at a standard distance from the test chart. The result is expressed as a comparison: 20/20 is normal vision, meaning the subject has the ability to see from a distance of 20 ft (6.1 m) what a person with normal vision should see at that distance. Visual acuity of 20/40 means that a person sees at 20 ft (6.1 m) what a person with normal vision sees ...

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