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ABBR: ACD sol. An anticoagulant solution used in blood collection (and in plasmaphoresis, in place of heparin). Its components are citric acid, sodium citrate, and dextrose.


(as″ĭ-dē′mē-ă) [acid + -emia] A decrease in the arterial blood pH below 7.35. The hydrogen ion concentration of the blood increases, as reflected by a lowering of serum pH values. SEE: acid-base balance; acidity; acidosis.

isovaleric a. A rare autosomal recessive metabolic disease affecting leucine metabolism. Isovaleric acid accumulates in the blood during periods of increased amino acid metabolism. Coma and death may occur.

lactic a. Lactacidemia.

methylmalonic a. An inherited metabolic disease caused by inability to convert methylmalonic acid to succinic acid. The clinical signs are failure to grow, mental retardation, and severe metabolic acidosis. A low-protein diet is often used for disease management.


(as′id-fast′) In bacterial staining, pert. to bacteria that do not decolorize after application of acid-alcohol but keep a dark stain. Microorganisms that are acid-fast include Mycobacteria and Nocardia species.

acid hemolysin test

Ham test.

acid hydrolase

Any hydrolytic enzyme found in a lysosome that performs optimal catalysis at a pH of about 5.


(ă-sid′ĭ-fī″) [acid + -ify] 1. To make a substance acid. 2. To become acid.


(ă-sid″ĭ-fī′ă-bl), adj. acidification (-fĭ-kā′shŏn), n. acidifier (-fī″ĕr), n.


(ă-sid′ĭ-tē) [acid] 1. The quality of possessing hydrogen ions (protons). SEE: acid; hydrogen ion; pH. 2. Sourness.

a. of the stomach The lowered pH of the gastric contents, due to hydrogen ion release by parietal cells.

acid lipase disease

Acid lipase deficiency.

acidophil, acidophile

(ă-sid′ŏ-fil″, ă-sid′ŏ-fīl″) 1. Acidophilic (2). 2. Pert. to two different types of cells (somatotrophs and prolactin cells) in the anterior pituitary that cannot be distinguished from each other by standard staining techniques although they can be distinguished from basophils and chromophobes and therefore are simply called acidophils. SEE: prolactin; somatotroph. 3. A tissue, organism, or substance that stains readily with acid stains.


(ă-sĭd″ō-fĭl′ĭk) 1. Having affinity for acid or pert. to certain tissues and cell granules. 2. Pert. to a cell capable of being stained by acid dyes. SYN: acidophil (1).


(as″ĭ-dō-rĕ-zis′tănt) Acid-resisting; said about bacteria.


(as″ĭ-dō′sis) [acid + -osis] An actual or relative increase in the ...

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