There are many people whom I wish to thank for their time and willingness to assist in this fourth edition. At F.A. Davis, Quincy McDonald and Julie Chase provided assistance for the revisions. The photographs were made possible through the expertise of Jason Torres. His dedication to his craft will benefit each athletic training student and professional who uses the text. The student models, Michelle Charko, Marshay Greenlee, Dan James, Kara Janokowski, Courtney Schnorr, Jim Sommers, Daniel Buckley, and Jerry Buckley demonstrated patience and adaptability to create a successful photo shoot. Bernadette Buckley, PhD, LAT, ATC, provided her instructional expertise to guide the development of the instructor materials and contributed to the revisions of each chapter. Cassie Ettel conducted the literature searches for the revisions of the evidence summaries. Michelle Boling, PhD, LAT, ATC, assisted with several areas of the text and provided another viewpoint. During the writing of this book, many health care professionals served as chapter reviewers. I would like to thank each of them for their time and expertise. Their suggestions helped to strengthen the text.
A project such as this is not possible without the assistance of numerous manufacturers and others associated with taping, wrapping, bracing, and padding products. I want to thank the following manufacturers and people.
Douglas Protective Equipment
Kinesio Taping Association International
University of North Florida
Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute
Western Michigan University
Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart