With publication of the sixth edition of Joint Structure and Function, we continue on a journey started nearly 40 years ago. The text at that time targeted a substantive void in the evidence-based kinesiologic foundations upon which an understanding of typical and impaired movement should be based. With continuing advances in research and information technologies, individuals now have a variety of choices in how to access and use the explosion of information available to them. Our goal in the sixth edition is to be responsive to the needs and preferences of our contemporary audience while continuing the tradition of being an accessible and preferred resource for those seeking current concepts in kinesiology.
The sixth edition reflects changes in an understanding of adult learning and in learning preferences.
We have increased and enhanced the images that support the underlying concepts.
We have retained the boxed features, now named Foundational Concepts, Expanded Concepts, and Patient Applications, to facilitate the reader's ability to prioritize content.
Chapter outlines with page numbers at the beginning of each chapter allow more efficient chapter navigation.
We have added Anatomy Overview tables at the beginning of each joint complex chapter to provide a quick review of the musculature.
New chapter contributors and the new member of our editorial team, Dr. Michael Lewek, reflect a commitment to engaging a new generation of researcher educators.
Although our learners and the technology that supports their learning are evolving, Joint Structure and Function remains committed to providing a strong, contemporary, and evidence-based foundation in the principles that underlie an understanding of human structure and function while also being as accessible and concise as possible. We very much appreciate our opportunity to contribute to the health of society by assisting in the professional development of the students and providers who are our readers.
Pamela K. Levangie
Cynthia C. Norkin
Michael D. Lewek