Sections View Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Annotate Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Supplementary Content +++ Introduction ++ Table Graphic Jump Location|Download (.pdf)|Print SUFFIXES THAT INDICATE MEDICAL SPECIALTY Suffix Pronunciation Meaning -iatrics,-iatry ī-ă-trĭks, ī-ă-trē field of medicine -iatrist,-ician,-ist ī-ă-trĭst, ĭ-shŭn, ĭst specialist -logist,-ologist lō-jĭst, ŏl-ō-jĭst specialist in the study of -logy,-ology lō-jē, ŏl-ō-jē study of ++ Table Graphic Jump Location|Download (.pdf)|Print SUFFIXES THAT INDICATE SURGERIES, PROCEDURES, OR TREATMENTS Suffix Pronunciation Meaning -centesis sĕn-tē-sĭs surgical puncture -cidal,-cide sī-dăl, sīd destroying, killing -desis dē-sĭs surgical fixation of bone or joint, binding, tying together -dilation dī-lā-shŭn widening, stretching, expanding -ectomy ĕk-tō-mē excision, surgical removal -graphy gră-fē process of recording -metry mĕ-trē measurement -pexy pĕk-sē surgical fixation -plasty plăs-tē surgical repair -rrhaphy ră-fē suture, suturing -scopy skō-pē visual examination -therapy thĕr-ă-pē treatment -tomy tō-mē cutting into, incision -tripsy trĭp-sē crushing ++ Table Graphic Jump Location|Download (.pdf)|Print SUFFIXES THAT INDICATE SENSORY EXPERIENCE, SENSATION, OR SUBJECTIVE FEELING Suffix Pronunciation Meaning -acusia,-acusis,-cusis a-koo-zē-ă, ă-koo-sĭs, koo-sĭs hearing -algesia,-algesic,-algia,-dynia ăl-jē-zē-ă, ăl-jē-zĭk, ăl-jē-ă, dĭ-nē-ă pain -dipsia dĭp-sē-ă thirst -esthesia ĕs-thē-zē-ă sensation -opia,-opsia,-opsis,-opsy ō-pē-ă, ōp-sē-ă, ŏp-sĭs, ŏp-sē vision, view of -osmia ŏz-mē-ă smell, odor -phobia fō-bē-ă fear -phoria fō-rē-ă feeling ++ Table Graphic Jump Location|Download (.pdf)|Print SUFFIXES THAT INDICATE ACTION OR MOVEMENT Suffix Pronunciation Meaning -clasis,-clast klăs-ĭs, klăst to break -ectasis ĕk-tă-sĭs dilation, expansion -emesis ĕm-ĕ-sĭs vomiting -gen, -genesis, -genic, -genous jĕn, jĕn-ĕ-sĭs, jĕn-ĭk, jēn-ŭs creating, producing -kinesia, -kinesis kĭ-nē-zē-ă, kĭ-nē-sĭs movement -lysis lĭ-sĭs destruction -pause, -stasis pawz, stă-sĭs cessation, stopping -phage, -phagia fāj, fā-jē-ă eating, swallowing -phasia fā-zē-ă speech -rrhage, -rrhagia rĭj, ră-jē-ă bursting forth -rrhea rē-ă flow, discharge -rrhexis rĕk-sĭs rupture -spasm spă-zŭm sudden involuntary contraction -uresis ū-rē-sĭs urination ++ Table Graphic Jump Location|Download (.pdf)|Print SUFFIXES THAT INDICATE DISEASES, DISORDERS, OR CONDITIONS Suffix Pronunciation Meaning -cele sēl hernia -constriction kŏn-strĭk-shŭn narrowing -cytosis sī-tō-sĭs a condition of cells -derma dĕr-mă skin -edema ĕ-dē-mă swelling -emia ē-mē-ă a condition of the blood -gravida gră-vĭ-dă pregnant woman -ia,-ism ē-ă, ĭz-ŭm condition -iasis ī-ă-sĭs pathological condition or state -it is ī-tĭs inflammation -lepsy,-leptic lĕp-sē, lĕp-tĭk seizure -lith lĭth stone -malacia mă-lā-sē-ă softening -megaly mĕg-ă-lē enlargement -necrosis nĕ-krō-sĭs tissue death -oid oyd resembling -oma ō-mă tumor -osis ō-sĭs abnormal condition -oxia ŏk-sē-ă oxygen -paresis pă-rē-sĭs slight or partial paralysis -partum,-tocia părt-ŭm, tō-sē-ă childbirth, labor -pathy pă-thē disease -penia pē-nē-ă deficiency -pepsia pĕp-sē-ă digestion -phonia fō-nē-ă voice -plasia,-plasm plā-zē-ă, plăz-ŭm formation, growth -plastic plăs-tĭk pertaining to formation or growth -plegia plē-jē-ă paralysis -plegic plē-jĭk pertaining to paralysis -pnea nē-ă breathing -pneic nē-ĭk pertaining to breathing -ptosis tō-sĭs drooping, prolapse -salpinx săl-pĭnks uterine (fallopian) tube -sclerosis sklĕ-rō-sĭs hardening -static stă-tĭk not in motion, at rest -stenosis stĕ-nō-sĭs narrowing, stricture -thorax thōr-ăks chest -trophy trō-fē nourishment, growth -uria ū-rē-ă urine ++ Table Graphic Jump Location|Download (.pdf)|Print SUFFIXES THAT INDICATE INSTRUMENTS Suffix Pronunciation Meaning -graph grăf recording instrument -meter mĕ-tĕr measuring instrument -scope skōp viewing instrument -tome tōm cutting instrument ++ ... Your Access profile is currently affiliated with [InstitutionA] and is in the process of switching affiliations to [InstitutionB]. Please select how you would like to proceed. Keep the current affiliation with [InstitutionA] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Switch affiliation to [InstitutionB] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Get Free Access Through Your Institution Learn how to see if your library subscribes to McGraw Hill Medical products. Subscribe: Institutional or Individual Sign In Error: Incorrect UserName or Password Username Error: Please enter User Name Password Error: Please enter Password Sign in Forgot Password? Forgot Username? Sign in via OpenAthens Sign in via Shibboleth You already have access! Please proceed to your institution's subscription. Create a free profile for additional features.