The ongoing development of Physical Rehabilitation has been in all aspects a collaborative venture. Its fruition has been made possible only through the expertise and gracious contributions of many talented individuals. Our appreciation is considerable.
Heartfelt thanks are extended to our contributing authors. Each has brought a unique body of knowledge, as well as distinct clinical practice expertise, to his and her respective chapters. Their commitment to physical therapist education is collectively displayed in content presentations that carefully reflect the scope of knowledge and skills required of a dynamic, evolving physical therapy practice environment. We are extremely grateful to each of our contributors and heartened by the excellence they bring to the seventh edition.
Heartfelt thanks are also extended to the practicing clinicians who prepared the case studies and video segments. Their contributions expertly move text content to clinical practice and significantly add to the development of clinical reasoning skills of our readers. We would like to thank Edward W. Bezkor, who served tirelessly as Case Study and Multimedia Editor and effectively coordinated case study contributions as well as many production elements. Thanks also to Yvonne Gillam, Freelance Editor and Media Consultant, and Liz Schaeffer, Developmental Editor/Electronic Products Coordinator, for their work in editing the patient videos.
A note of special thanks is extended to the following individuals for their assistance with filming the online video case studies: Jan BenDor, Producer and Videographer; Christine Flynn, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine of New York Institute of Technology; Don Packard, University of Michigan Hospital; Robert Price, University of Washington Medical Center; Sarah Ohiorhenuan, California Rehabilitation Institute; and Evan T. Cohen, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Health Professions.
Many of the new patient photographs were possible owing to the efforts of Edward W. Bezkor and Robert J. Schreyer and the photography expertise of Jason Torres, J. Torres Photography, and Christopher Lenney. We thank also those individuals and companies who contributed new photographs to the individual chapters and to those patients/clients who allowed their photographs to be used throughout the text.
We would like to thank Evangelos Pappas, Test Bank Editor, for his expertise and efforts in developing guidelines for questions consistent with the National Physical Therapy Examination format and soliciting expert item writers for the test bank of examination questions. Our hope is that the test bank will become a valuable resource for both faculty and students who use our book.
Our appreciation goes to the dedicated professionals at F.A. Davis Company: Margaret M. Biblis, Editor-in-Chief; Melissa Duffield, Senior Acquisitions Editor; Jennifer A. Pine, Senior Developmental Editor; Amelia Blevins, Developmental Editor, Digital Products; Julie Chase, Content Project Manager; Sharon Lee, Production Manager; and Paul Marone, Marketing Manager. These individuals are recognized for their continued support, encouragement, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Thanks also are extended to Lynn Lusk, Project Manager, Progressive Publishing Services.
We wish to thank the numerous students, faculty, and clinicians who over the years have used Physical Rehabilitation and provided us with meaningful and constructive comments that have greatly enhanced this edition. It is our sincere hope that this feedback will continue.
Finally, we are grateful for our continuing strong and productive working relationship that has allowed us to complete a project of this scope through seven editions.