Peripheral Nerve Injury (PNI)
Bell's palsy (BP) is facial muscle weakness or paralysis resulting from injury to one of the two facial nerves (LMN type). BP affects only one side of the face with the frontalis muscle of the same side being affected, though in UMN types of facial palsy, the frontalis muscle on both sides of the face remains intact.
Eye & cornea drying due to inability to close eye
Balance, gait, & driving may be impaired especially if the patient with BP wears an eye patch
Physical Therapy Examination
History (Refer to Tab 2)
Was onset of symptoms sudden?
Does patient have any recent flu-like symptoms?
Has patient had any recent dental treatment?
Arousal, Attention, and Cognition
Assessment (Refer to Tab 2)
Cranial and Peripheral Nerve Integrity
Cranial nerves (focusing on VII) & peripheral nerves
Corneal reflexes (cranial nerves V & VII)
Taste (anterior 2/3 of tongue)
Auditory acuity
The following facial expressive muscles (Tab 2):
Frontalis (raise eyebrow)
Orbicularis oculi (close eyes tightly)
Corrugator supercilii (frown)
Nasalis & procerus (wrinkle nose)
Zygomaticus major (smile, show top teeth)
Orbicularis oris (lip closing)
Platysma (show bottom teeth)
Buccinators (suck in cheeks)
Unilateral facial muscle weakness or paralysis (ipsilateral frontalis affected)
An inability to fully close eye on affected side
Impaired taste (anterior 2/3 of tongue on the affected side)
Dry eye or excessive tearing on affected side
Dry mouth
Hyperacusis (hypersensitivity to sound)
Gait, Locomotion, and Balance
Assessment (Refer to Tab 2)
Orthotic, Protective, and Supportive Devices
Assessment (Refer to Tab 2)
Assessment (Refer to Tab 2)